There are players who simply swear by these horns. Their faith is well placed. The Super Dynaction is arguably the best production horn Buffet ever made with the possible exception of the Prestige, depending on who you talk to. It has the warmth and focus you would expect on a Buffet, but with more power and a little more edge, making this a very versatile instrument.
KING H. Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Super - "Cigar Cutter" Year Range Serial Range - - - - Super non-cigar cutter Year Range Serial Range - - Super - Radio Improved Year Range Serial Range - - Balanced Action Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Selmer Balanced Action "Dorsey" There were two series of Dorsey horns.
The first series was made in with serial numbers 24xxx and the second in with serial numbers 27xxx Year Range Serial Range - - - - U. SML Rev. A Year Range Serial Range - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rev. B Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - Coleman Hawkins Model Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - - - - - Super Model Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rev.
D Year Range Serial Range - - - - - - - - - - Gold Medal Mk. Dynaction Models Years: - Serials: 1 - 1 specimen.
Super Dynaction Models Years: - Serials: - 6 specimens. S Series Models Years: - Serials: - 0 2 specimens. This horn is nice original lacquer example that also has a fresh, full overhaul. The overhaul included disassembly, cleaning, new oil, all new pads, corks, felts, flat metal resonators, mechanical work, and setup.
Since saxophones have so many moving parts, this just takes a long time and a lot of skill to do correctly. The neck has had a pickup removed and plugged, but it was done so well that it is almost invisible. Smooth outside and inside. As I mentioned above, this version of the Super Dynaction plays noticeably darker and richer than the later Super Dynaction.