Tar skipping to next file header

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So I came up with a way that is to use aria2 to relay axel download, and can achieve all the data download down. But the first problem remains unsolved. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment. Linked pull requests. You signed in with another tab or window. Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 6 months ago.

Active 6 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 23k times. When attempting to extract all files from a tar file, I get the following error message: tar: Skipping to next header tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors Some of the files extract properly before this error message is printed, and the process results in a garbled file that seems to contain the rest of the archive.

Is there anything I can try to recover the rest of the files? Improve this question. HopelessN00b 53k 31 31 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Scottie T Scottie T 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Add a comment.

Active Oldest Votes. You could try your extract with the -i option to ignore zeros: The --ignore-zeros -i option causes tar to ignore blocks of zeros in the archive.

Normally a block of zeros indicates the end of the archive, but when reading a damaged archive, or one which was created by cat-ing several archives together, this option allows tar to read the entire archive. This option is not on by default because many versions of tar write garbage after the zeroed blocks.

Improve this answer. Kevin Kuphal Kevin Kuphal 9, 1 1 gold badge 33 33 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. Same error message, but thanks for the suggestion.


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