Stock market great depression game

Show more details. Wish List. I LOVE crashing the stock market on my unsuspecting students. They go into the short activity thinking they're going to make some big bucks in the rigged class simulation and bam! Everyone loses. But that's , right?! This short simulation allows students to understand how the stock market crash. Social Studies - History , U.

Lectures , Simulations. This is an excellent classroom game that simulates the frivolous spending of the 's and the crash of the Stock Market at the end of the decade. Students are put in groups of four, assigning one as the role of the banker. The PowerPoint takes students through each month and requires them to pay. Activities , PowerPoint Presentations , Simulations. This simulation, based on historical data, allows students to put themselves in the place of investment bankers throughout the roaring twenties and into the great depression.

The simulation was created with with. Business , Economics , U. Activities , Games , Simulations. It was created for a high school U. History , World History.

Activities , Lesson Plans Individual , Simulations. This activity was created in , when I first made the switch from middle school down to 5th grade. My class was getting ready to move into a unit about the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. Activities , Simulations , Teacher Manuals. Stock Market Crash of Simulation. PowerPoint Presentations.

This bundle includes 2 individual lesson plans, perfect for your high school U. A provided reading teaches about the s bull market and the crash of , with a focus on the role of bank institutions and lackin. Lesson Plans Individual , Simulations. Show 2 included products. Giant Jenga - Stock Market Crash of simulation review game.

This product was designed to help you engage students in a simulation of the Stock Market Crash - covering vocabulary, causes, effects, and culture of the time period. This simulation is highly engaging and interactive. Be prepared for FUN! Please note: This does not cover details of the crash i. Games , Lesson Plans Individual , Simulations. Word Document File. Directions for a simulation about the ripple effects of the Stock Market crash that caused the Great Depression.

Directions and the "script" for the simulation are included as well as a reflection activity. Activities , Cooperative Learning , Simulations. Stock Market Crash Simulation. A Stock Market Crash Simulation that can be done completely Electronically and even remotely using google classroom and google meets.

Perfect online resource for helping your students understand a bit about the stock market and the crash that put the country into a Great Depression. Activities , Simulations. Using this sheet students can buy an initial "portfolio" and then lock in their number of shares to avoid confusion and watch them first celebrate then mourn as you inflate and crash their share prices to destroy the portfolios and illustrate the loss of wealth during the stock market crashes.

Students can complete the second version completely independently and submit through Google Classroom. Click on the Preview for details. This lesson is fantastic, fun, and inform. Stock Market Simulation Project. This fun stock market project has students research companies they want to invest in for a simulation of how investing in the market works! It's great for an economics class or when you cover the stock market crash of and the Great Depression in US History.

I use it in the middle of the year an. Economics , U. Printables , Projects. This is a two day lesson that describes how the stock market works, and shows students how the market crash brought the Roaring 20s to a halt, and set the Great Depression in motion. It is a lesson for teaching the transition between the 20s and 30sThe accompanying note taker and worksheets are. Games , PowerPoint Presentations , Simulations.

Scaffolded Notes , Simulations. This is one of my favorite lessons of the entire year, and I think my students will agree! The lesson is based on the Stock Market Crash of , but I have designed the simulation in such a way that it can be played in other units and classes.

Great Depression Simulation. Share My Lesson is a destination for educators who dedicate their time and professional expertise to provide the best education for students everywhere. For intelligent investors that like to keep a close eye on their accounts, market fluctuations can be difficult to stomach.

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Learn from subject matter experts like: Ryan from Hubspot, Marc. Actually, the students who are usually the least enthusiastic about history were some of the most involved! It was great! Follow My Store! You will be the first to receive notifications when I post new products and have sales.

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