Autodesk acquired Netfabb in PrusaSlicer has its roots in Slic3r. It supports the most available 3D printers There are a ton of settings that gives maximum control to the users: Extruders, layer control, various infill methods, temperature, and cooling settings, even raw G-code and scripts can be edited. Octoprint is Free and Open Source Software released under the GNU Affero General Public License, this latest printing software allows user to control and monitor all aspect of 3d printing job from their browser like monitoring temperature of hotend, get feedback all the time, pause at any time and restart from exact place etc.
This 3d slicing software has build in plugin or one can instrall a new plug-in or can even experiment with plug in all the time.
Slic3r is open source 3D slicer software known for adding features not found anywhere else. Years of experiments on settings, materials, and news 3D printers have made Slic3r one of the best of its kind. This free slicer software has real-time 3d slicing, make it extremely fast, one can change a setting and it will only adjust affected parts saving time, it offers a vast amount of features to work with.
The advanced version of this slicing software has auto mesh repair and support for multiple extruders enable the user preview the entire process layer by layer, save the G-code on the sd card. Makerbot printing software is dedicated to the MakerBot print machine, it has an algorithm to automatically adjust itself to MakerBot print, It allows users to monitor and control the process from far using its built-in webcam.
This free slicer software is developed for the expert level user, as it has so many features that a beginner will find it hard to use, Repetier Host offers remote access features, via Repetier Server. Similarly to OctoPrint which is a paid software. One can install it on a Raspberry Pi and can access and control a 3D printer from anywhere via a browser on a PC, tablet, or smartphone.
It can work with any FDM printer, it has multi slicer support multi extruder support make it perfect for an expert. Idea Maker is a 3D slicer software developed by the 3D printer manufacturer Raise3D, that focuses on user experience and makes the process smooth and easy even for beginners While it is compatible with Raise3D 3D printers, this free slicing software is also compatible with most FDM 3D printers.
It operates on a natively-compiled, multi-threaded, bit slicing engine that enables fast slicing speeds. It has several features to make the slicing process easy, it is fully automated can be controlled manually too , it includes features like auto repair, auto layout for multiple models, etc.
It also works as slicing platform aim to control several slicing at once. It has a number of application and settings for editing which includes scaling, rotation, mirroring, hole digging, etc, this software also offers multi-model processing. This is a one in all model for the entire 3D printing process, this 3D slicer software has the best in class slicing ability, this software is also available as a mobile app, this printing software offers great control coupled with great printing speed, and also gives estimation about the final product.
Z- suite is 3d slicer software intended to be used with Zortrax machines, but it can be used with another machine too, this free slicer tool is another tool intended to be used by beginners, It has limited editing capabilities can fulfill basic slicing work, this latest printing software is custom set means it is meant to be used with one machine. Icesl is 3d slicer software that includes many unique features, it gives maximum control to the user, it gives great control thickness of the printing, has in build a powerful support system, with reliable and disposable bridge system.
This 3d slicer software work on a cloud platform developed by 3DaGoGo inc. This latest printing software enables a user of desktop 3D printers from any web-enabled device, with any technical expertise. This 3D slicer software is slicer software for beginners but this is also slicer software for expert, as it has multiple settings. G-code can be generated with a minimum amount of settings. Thinkerine suite is a user-friendly 3d slicer software, which offers all basic slicing applications, this easy to use 3d printing software makes it perfect for a new user, this free slicer software also comes with a wifi facility.
This 3d slicer software is an open-source slicing software developed by an online community, this free slicer software gives best in class fine-tuning, it can work with any modern printer, it takes 3d models and turns them into instruction for FFF printers. Pathio, despite being still not operational fully this app has already left an impression on the market, beta version of the 3D slicer software only operational version offer a great user interface, this is another 3D slicer software that is easy to use and still operational for expert-level users.
Kirimoto is one of the slightly lesser-known yet powerful 3D slicer software, Kirimoto is a unique multi-modal 3D slicer that runs entirely in the browser and creates output for maker tools: 3D Printers, CNC Mills and Laser Cutters.
Advance layer view helps debug prints ahead of time, thus this is also called a slicer tool for makers. Solid edge a 3D slicer software developed by Siemens, this is a completely cloud-based software which requires minimal IT support, this software is designed for complicated designing and engineering jobs, this slicer software for expert offers many unique feature making it attractive for experts, especially on engineering and designing domain.
Do you like the graphical interface or command line? All the features of the user-friendly interface are also available from command line.
This allows to integrate Slic3r in your custom toolchain and batch operations as you like. Open source, open development. Slic3r is open source software, licenced under the AGPLv3 license. The development is centered on GitHub and the slic3r IRC channel on FreeNode, where the community is highly involved in testing and providing ideas and feedback.
Slic3r is super-easy to run: download, double click and enjoy. No dependencies needed. Print with dual multiple extruders. Print beautiful colored objects, or use your secondary extruder to build support material. Or put a larger nozzle on it and print a faster infill. Use brim for the best adhesion. Soon it will be getting another mode to support SLA printers. It has some interesting features like support for classroom settings where you want to provide default or locked profiles.
If anyone gets stuck, reload the page and it reverts to your desired profile. And a few other hidden gems that the community is making use of. MatterControl is an all-in-one printer control software developed by MatterHacker, a high-quality 3D printing supplies provider from the USA. This really is one of the best free slicing software for 3D printing as it acts as a host. So it basically controls the printer and lets you queue the jobs all the while you slice and adjust the settings as per the print.
It is not as mature as other software like Cura and Slic3r, it is a great tool for beginners as well as advanced users. Craftware was developed by a Hungarian 3D printer manufacturer CraftUnique to support their own 3D printers. This free slicing software can be used on other printers too. It is best known for its two features: 1. Colour differentiation between different features and, 2. It has both free and paid versions for users to choose from.
Slic3r also is open-source slicing software with a reputation for bringing out unique features not found on any other competitor. It constantly updates its software to add new features at regular intervals. It is one of the best free slicing software for 3D printing for advanced or professional users.
It first came up with the incredible honeycomb infill pattern which was then quickly adopted by many competitors as it gave astoundingly strong prints with less material. This is the basic answer for splitting and cutting your model, so keep on reading to get the details on how to do this successfully, along with more useful information that you can use.
When it comes to 3D printing, breaking up large models is an important skill to learn since we are limited by the size of our build plates for each print.
Rather than stopping at this limitation, people figured out they could break models into smaller sections, which can then be glued back together afterwards. This can be done by using design software or even directly within our slicers, though it takes some knowledge to get it right. Some of these are easier than others, mainly due to the user interface or how many features the application has.
You can actually use the popular Cura slicer to split your models down and separate them into different STL files which can be printed separately. Similarly, you have resin slicers such as ChiTuBox or Lychee Slicer that have inbuilt split functions where you can cut a model and organize it on the build plate as you wish. The process of splitting a model and changing the orientation can allow you to easily fit a large model on your build plate, by utilizing the whole area.