Stick font software

Click here to request the Demo. Creates standard G code to program CNC milling machines to perform basic 3 axis engraving. Converts any true type font into standard g code for programming a CNC milling machine. Single or multiple lines of text may be entered into the program as a single layer with one font.

Easily modify the font, size, depth of engraving, feed rates, and origin location.. Output CNC G-code is saved as a text file. G-code programs only include only G0 and G1 moves. Using only G0 and G1 moves ensures CNC control compatibility, no other nc codes are necessary for engraving. Creates detailed engraving layouts and drawings and produces standard G-code nc files quickly and simply. Creates one output CNC G-code program. Engrave text , lines, numbers, characters.

Create Incrementing Serial Numbers. Engrave logos , Jpeg, Gif, Dxf Files. The Engraving Software automatically places a cutting tool path on the lines.

Perform pocketing and reverse pocketing reverse engraving , spiral or back and forth. Mirror text horizontally and vertically. Engrave on a radius or incline. Control text orientation , alignment, spacing, and size on multiple instances of text.

Project the engraving onto a surface of an imported 3D model. This creates an engraving that maintains a constant depth in relation to a 3D model. Place and modify complex geometry onto a 3D surface in just a few steps. Functions as a drawing program. Draw shapes, circles, rectangles, etc. There is no need for an external drawing program.

Image trace feature allows importing and editing any photo images jpg, bmp, gif formats. Converts image into lines and points which can be engraved.

Also imports dxf files. Use guidelines, any drawn objects, or imported image files as reference geometry to precisely locate text or other objects to be engraved. Monitor engraving cycle times. Cycle Time Monitor automatically calculates the amount of time it will take to perform the engraving job. The effect of changing font styles, sizes, and feedrates can be seen instantly to help reduce cycle times. Single Line Fonts are used for small engraving applications, and to reduce engraving cycle times.

Wrap engraving around a cylinder. Creates G-code on the face of a part on a rotary axis lathe with polar interpolation. Print the preview graphics. The included True Type font conversion tool allows you to mix and match with single stroke fonts.

You may download and try StickFont free for 15 days. After this trial period has expired, the software will stop functioning and you must purchase a license key to continue using it. Disclaimer: We accept no liability for damage caused by the use or misuse of StickFont. StickFont Editor v1 is a graphical editor for StickFont font sets StickFont Editor Features: Graphical interface provides intuitive tools for drawing and editing font characters. Automatic cleanup tool instantly optimizes the character drawing.

You may download and try StickFont Editor free for 15 days.


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