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Pinky Banjara. Sajjad Hussain. Samuel Oluwasegun , Student at University. Leanne Vilela. Show More. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Human Resource Training and Development 1. Joey R. The training and development function in an organization has gained a lot of importance due to advancement in technology and changes in market force. Training is basically a systematic procedure for transferring technical know-how to the employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing particular jobs.
Training is a process of teaching a new employees the basic skills to perform their jobs - Garry Dessler 5. Development is a process of preparing employees for future position and improve their personal skills to handle the critical situations in an organization. Development is generally aimed at helping managers better understand and solve problems, make decisions, and capitalize on opportunities.
Development is often considered a HR function. Training Learn specific behaviors and actions; demonstrate techniques and processes Shorter term Performance appraisals, cost benefit analysis, passing tests , or certification Development Understood information concepts and context; develop judgment; expand capacities for assignment Longer term Qualified people available when needed; promotion from within possible; HR-based competitive advantage Focus Time Frame Effective Measure 7.
Companies initially used to emphasize only on production process training i. Employers had to adapt to rapid technological changes, improve product and service quality, and boost productivity to stay competitive improving quality often requires remedial-education training, since quality-improvement programs assume employees can use critical thinking skills, produce charts and graphs and analyze data. Employees must also use or acquire skills in team building, decision making, and communication.
As firms become more technologically advance, employees require training in technological and computer skills such as desk top publishing and computer aided design and manufacturing. As increased competition has put a premium on better service, employers have turned increasingly to customer-service training to provide employees with the tools and abilities they need to deal more effectively with customers, such as effective listening skills. More employers today are also taking advantage of the fact that training can strengthen employee commitment.
This is one reason why high commitment firms like Toyota provide two weeks of training per year for all employers-about double the national average. Responsibilities for training are generally assigned to the HR function. In general, training is intended to help the organization function more effectively.
Managers must be sure that productivity can be increased through training and that productivity gains are possible with existing resources.
Trained workers can work more efficiently. Kajal Goswami , Assistant Professor at Asst. Show More. Views Total views.
Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Training is expensive. Without training it is more expensive. Definition Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience. Training: Helps employees to do their current jobs. Development: Helps the individual handle future responsibilities. Why to Train??? Does providing them training mean they are insufficient to perform well in the organization?
No Yes 1. No Yes 7. Initial Training is all about. Job Knowledge 8. When does the need for training arise? New employees observe the work and then try to imitate. A mentor should ask questions and challenge, while providing guidance and encouragement. It is a chance to look more closely at yourself, your issues, opportunities and what you want in life.
Mentoring is about becoming more self aware, taking responsibility for your life and directing your life in the direction you decide, rather than leaving it to chance.
Human Resource Division HR 2. Information Technology Division IT 4. E- Trainings 5. Human Resource Division Centre of English Language What we offer. White Papers. Timeline Infographic Maker. Process Infographics. Business Plans. Comparison Infographics. Nonprofit Infographics. Youtube Banners. Organizational Charts. Mind Maps. Social Media Posts. Executive Leadership. Human Resources. Product Development. Project Management. Real Estate. Infographic Templates. Timeline Templates.
Report Templates. Diagram Templates. Presentation Templates. See All Templates. Get Started with Venngage. Infographics for beginners. Help Center. For Individuals. For Professionals. For Enterprise. For Nonprofits. For Classrooms. More Categories. Training and Development. Why employee training and development is important Benefits of an employee training and development program How to create a successful training and development strategy How to improve an employee training program with visuals 7 infographics to improve the effectiveness of your training and development What is employee training and development?
Why employee training and development is important Rapid changes, including the need to adapt to remote work, have spotlighted the importance of training and development in the workplace.
The benefits of an employee training and development program Well-known benefits of effective employee training and development include: Heightened capacity to adapt and innovate Increases in employee motivation Increased productivity and company revenue Improved job satisfaction and morale Better employee retention and reduction in employee turnover Gains in risk management Enhanced company reputation and employee recruitment Of course, these benefits depend on the effectiveness of your employee training and development program.
To what extent are they gaining relevant knowledge and skills? Are they retaining this knowledge? Are they able to apply what they are learning to improve their work performance? What are the results and overall impacts?
USE THIS TEMPLATE If you are evaluating your employee training and development program, you might consider one of the following common methods : Use the questions above and work backwards by identifying the business results desired, the behavior changes that would be needed to make that happen, and the learning objectives and plan that would accomplish that this is known as the Kirkpatrick model.
Choose to continually monitor and fine-tune the program the CIPP or Stufflebeam model is good for this You can also ask employees to assess their own knowledge and skills to identify what trainings might be most worthwhile.
How to create a successful employee training and development strategy Once you have made the case for a training and development program clear to executives, you will need to develop strategies for success.
Creating an employee training and development plan If you are creating an employee training and development program, your plan might look something like this: Recognize goals and identify the desired business impact Identify employee competencies and analyze skill gaps Interview employees to better understand their needs and motivations Consider different training methodologies and materials needed see lists below Plan for evaluating effectiveness and sustaining gains over time Visualizing this plan will help you as you continue to reference it over time.
How to start improving your training and development materials with visuals There are a number of materials you are likely already sharing that might work better if they were highly visual, such as: Strategy documents Training plans Employee handbooks Onboarding process documents Presentation decks for in-person and virtual training Handouts, worksheets, etc.
What ideas are the most important for the learner to remember? What concepts are especially complex or more difficult to understand? For these, you can use diagrams, charts, mind maps, product roadmaps, etc.
Reports for executives and your learning and development team When it comes to reports, try to focus on key data points and takeaways.
Reports on performance outcomes for managers Often employee performance information is hidden deep in employee files. Infographics that explain return on investment for leadership When it comes to presenting information to leaders, less is often more. Here are some good rules of thumb for presentations: Outline the content so there is a clear beginning when you set the stage and tell them what you are about to tell them , middle when you tell them with only as much detail as they are able to process quickly , and end when you succinctly remind them what you told them.
Ideally include about 10 slides and expect to present them over about 20 minutes. Slides should contain very limited text that you will not be reading during your presentation ; for example, no more than five lines of text per slide and five words per line of text.