Dylan says:. November 9, at am. Santosh Singh says:. April 3, at am. Andrea Bravo Balado says:. November 27, at am. Vilceanu Doru says:. May 14, at pm.
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Email required Address never made public. Name required. Email Subscription. Blog at WordPress. SVN command to delete all locally missing files Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 10 months ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed k times. In SVN is there a command I can use to delete all locally missing files in a directory? Improve this question. Peter Mortensen I maintain 1 working folder, and 1 checkout folder. And move only files from working folder to the check out folder. Most svn issues happen when you move folders on your working copy.
Even when coping files from your working copy to checkout copy, you should only move files, not folders. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Run an svn status Search for lines that begin with "! Improve this answer. Peter Ajtai Peter Ajtai This doesn't work if there are spaces in the file name. I don't know enough awk to fix it, though. Why don't you put the --force into the xargs part?
Show 7 more comments. If you are on Windows, but prefer the command-line and enjoy dabbling in PowerShell, this one-liner will do the trick: svn status? Michael Sorens Michael Sorens Will this action delete the files from the repository too? How does one add verbosity to this? Just a hint for users of scripts etc. Additionally, the numer of arguments should be limited and removals should be batched because the invocation fails with very large number of files to remove, e. Worked for me on OS X.
Thanks : — Gustavo de Souza. In SVN is there a command I can use to delete all locally missing files in a directory? If you are on Windows, but prefer the command-line and enjoy dabbling in PowerShell, this one-liner will do the trick: svn status?
The below post gives the solution for your scenario. Craig Ringer. You could do a shallow checkout and then delete all. Only authorized users can answer the question. Please sign in first, or register a free account. Not the answer you're looking for?
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