By this way Word users can stop automatic update of date field to the current date. Comments I am just a user, so my terminology may be incorrect. Is there a way out or should I just prevent updates of my computer? Thanks, dg. Trackbacks […] How to prevent automatic insertion of current date in Word […]. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. What I meant was, CreateDate does not appear in the date's r-click menu in the documents where this was a proble m.
Please note that most posts on this subject deal with how to set up your own docs, not how to change the automatic date update in your copy of another company's letter which you receive. If a simple date is typed as text from the keyboard, it is not going to update any more than if you were to type in this sentence, it would update.
If your date is updating, you have inserted a date field. Right click and toggle the field to view the field. You can insert it as many times as you require in a document and it will always display that date. You cannot stop a date field from updating. It will update to reflect the system date of the computer when the document is opened and you cannot undo that change. Just make sure that it isn't an issue for others in your documents, by inserting the dates as text and not as fields.
If you are using a template which has lots of Date fields, then unlink them before saving the document for the last time. Thread Tools. Other Forums: Access Forums. All times are GMT The time now is AM. Contact Us - Privacy Statement - Top. User Name. Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Join Date: Nov Posts: 7. View Public Profile. Send a private message to janetb.
It is better to update fields manually after such changes. How to create automatic numbers and captions for figures: images, pictures, and other illustrations Microsoft Word offers functionality to create automatically updated numbers for figures, tables , and equations. You can define descriptions captions for figures in your document and reference them from the document content using the Captions feature. The numbering and links can be automatically updated on adding, moving, or deleting a figure.
Learn more. The paralegal team had to print a large number of discovery documents. They contacted the help desk because about half of the documents displayed the current date while other documents displayed various dates from the past as expected. The reason of course was the use of the Date field code. Unless you work with field shading on, it's usually not immediately apparent that the date field has been used in the document.
In another field code support problem, the path field was updating when the user converted the document to PDF. This occurred in Word and continues to be an issue in Word Helpful - thanks. I appreciatye that the tip applies only so fat as Word Does anyone have ideas on how this can be done in Word ? Hello and Happy Friday; I just began using a Word calendar; updated and closed the document. How do i deactivate this popup? In Word , there were field codes that would cause the date to automatically update, only when the document changed, but I don't remember them.
Do they still work in Word and Office , and what are they? I noticed this is a 2 yr old article. I know this is shutting the door after the horse has bolted, but isn't it a better idea to save or print the document as PDF for archive?
I've been doing this as a matter of course for years now. I don't use date properties in my files so I can't test this - but what if you had a date field that would update upon opening the file, but you don't open it? Or does that also make the field update? The date will be whatever you set as the value and will only change when you modify the value. One approach to prevent the issue with future documents might be to record a simple macro that inserts the current date in a specified format and without the auto update option selected.
The macro could just as easily be assigned to a button on the Quick Access Toolbar. I use the SaveDate field which only works after a file has been saved! If I lock the field afterwards see above the date used stays the same whatever happens to the file later. A bit more fiddly, but you can get the best of all worlds that way. This was interesting. I was unaware of the date field capability and I now know how to get statistics on documents. I intend to try it on books that I have been working on for over a decade and for which I did not create or save a history of when it was created.
It will be interesting to see whether migrating from older to newer computers will have affected the history. I tried this on a Word document from Jan The result was: Created: 05 January Modified: 05 December Accessed: 27 February How can the created date be after the modified date?