How to overcome premature ejaculation kaplan ebook

If you and your partner are willing, you might try the pause-squeeze method for learning to delay ejaculation.

Notice when you are about to ejaculate. Ask your partner to squeeze your penis at the place where the head meets the shaft. Your partner should squeeze for several seconds until the need to ejaculate lessens. After 30 seconds, resume foreplay and repeat as necessary. This will help you to gain control and enable you to enter your partner without ejaculating immediately. Another variation on the pause-squeeze method is the stop-go technique. This is the same as the pause-squeeze method, except that the partner does not squeeze the penis.

Use self-help techniques. If you plan to have sex later in the evening, try masturbating an hour or two before. Use a thick condom that will reduce the amount of stimulation you get.

This may make it take longer for you to climax. Avoid using condoms that are designed to increase your stimulation. Breathe deeply right before you ejaculate.

This can help you to stop the ejaculation reflex. It may also help to switch to thinking about something boring until the urge passes. Change the position you have sex in. If you are usually on top, consider switching to the bottom or changing to a position that will allow your partner to move off of you if you are about to ejaculate. Go to counseling. You can do this either alone or with your partner.

Sometimes if men are concerned about being able to get or keep an erection, they may develop a pattern of ejaculating too quickly. A traumatic sexual experience when you were younger. Some psychologists believe that if your early sexual experiences included feeling guilty or a fear of being discovered, that you may have learned to ejaculate very quickly. This could be the case if the problem is new and did not happen in previous relationships.

If this is the case, couples counseling may be helpful. Try topical anesthetics. These medications are available by prescription or as over-the-counter as sprays or creams. You put them on your penis before sex and they reduce the sensations you feel, helping to delay the climax. Some men, and occasionally their partners as well, have reported a temporary loss of sensitivity and reduced pleasure.

Common ones include: [12] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Keep in mind that these topical options are not helpful for everyone. Lidocaine Prilocaine. Method 2. Sometimes premature ejaculation is a symptom of another underlying problem that needs to be treated. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that convey signals in your brain. Abnormal reflexes in your ejaculatory system A thyroid condition An infection in your prostate or urethra Damage from surgery or trauma.

This is not common. An inherited condition. Ask your doctor about Dapoxetine Priligy. This medication is similar to selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor SSRI antidepressants, but it was created to treat premature ejaculation. It is a relatively new drug and is usually the first thing your doctor will try to treat this issue. If you are prescribed this medication, you will take it one to three hours before sex.

It may cause side effects including headaches, dizziness, and feeling unwell. It is not suitable for men with heart, liver, or kidney conditions. It may also interact with other medications, including other antidepressants. Other options include the SSRI's paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine, and citalopram.

The typical full effects of SSRIs which are taken every day, not on-demand like Dapoxetine are not seen until about two weeks after you begin use.

Talk to your doctor about other medications that delay orgasms. Books by Helen Singer Kaplan. Published March 3rd by Routledge first published March 1st Michael Mcknight marked it as to-read Sep 12, Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Meg added it Dec 09, She also discusses the errors and resistances that can arise and provides suggestions on how to overcome prematufe. Looking for beautiful books? Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Muhammad Nadeem marked it as to-read Jul 20, Harry Vernon rated it it was ok Kwplan 13, She also discusses the errors and resistances that can arise and provides suggestions on how to overcome them.

Country of Publication United States. No trivia or quizzes yet. Drew marked it as to-read Aug 03, This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nes added it Aug 11, Author Biography Kaplan was a pioneer in sex therapy and made major enduring contributions to the field until her death in Dr Kaplan first explains the nature of PE and its causes and then describes her effective treatment techniques. After You Gain Control. Elena rated it really liked it Sep 14, Evan rated it it was amazing Mar 07, Carolyn Cowan rated it really liked it Apr 08, Mynameisbert rated it it was amazing Sep 04, David rated it liked it Sep 02, Evans rated it really liked it Oct 29, Harry Vernon rated it it was ok Nov 13, John Smithee rated it it was amazing Apr 09, Vena Blanchard rated it it was amazing Jan 02, Amoabeng Yeboah rated it did not like it Sep 25, Khalid Aziz added it Apr 03, Ladykona added it May 10, Marquel added it Mar 30, Kostasas added it May 21, D C marked it as to-read May 25, Muhammad Nadeem marked it as to-read Jul 20, Michael Mcknight marked it as to-read Sep 12, Kristy marked it as to-read Nov 30, Meg added it Dec 09, SF SexInfo added it Dec 19, Abdullah marked it as to-read Jan 22, Tripathi marked it as to-read Mar 02, Joseph added it Mar 06, Cassie marked it as to-read Mar 11, Ed Calder marked it as to-read Jun 04, Testemai marked it as to-read Jun 26, Sergiu Constantin marked it as to-read Jul 24, Drew marked it as to-read Aug 03, Nes added it Aug 11,


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