Now type in this code 'shutdown 's 't 60 'c "this computer is shutting down; save your work", click next. This code is actually for shutting down the computer. But, you type in the name of the short cut as something else, say for example 'songs ' and click next. What will happen is when someone clicks on the icon to start the card game, it will come up with a box with the message "this computer is shutting down; save your work", and when the timer runs out 60 seconds , it will actually shut down the computer.
Go to right click and go to New and then shortcut. Name this shortcut Fake virus and click finish. Now right click the icon and change properties and you can change the icon this way. To make it become the Windows logo, click Browse, my computer, logo disk, program files, and search for MSN and double click on that and the icon will pop up. Click OK and click apply. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: December 17, Part 1. Run Notepad. Notepad will allow you to input text with very little formatting.
If you're on a Mac, use TextEdit. Input a small batch file. Put the following into your text file without the bullets : echo off echo Message here.
Part 2. Right click on the desktop and go over to "New," then click "Shortcut". Give the shortcut a name that your victim will or might click on. Right click on the shortcut you have just made and choose "Properties". Click on the "Choose icon" button and scroll through the list of icons. Choose an icon that the name of your file. Click on it and hit "OK" twice. Note that this will not work on Windows 7 Pro. Sample Virus Sample Shutdown Message. Support wikiHow and unlock all samples.
No, this only shuts the computer down. The user may lose any open and unsaved files, but the computer itself will be unharmed.
Yes No. Not Helpful 40 Helpful MasterBeiber Everything. S is for shutdown, F for force, T for timer, and C to do a message. Not Helpful 10 Helpful Yes, this only shuts down the computer. It will turn back on normally and nothing will be harmed.
Not Helpful 39 Helpful The command written in the article above should work in every version of Windows. Not Helpful 31 Helpful No, it will not. Mobile devices cannot run this program. This is because they use different operating systems, and this virus is only compatible with Windows. Not Helpful 11 Helpful You won't be able to attach the virus to an email, as most email services block BAT files.