Download Download. This guide discusses how to use Eseutil. Details Version:. File Name:. Date Published:. If the files are not at the same location, then place them at the same location and restart the repairing process. Use the below command to repair the damaged database file without including STM file in the repairing process:.
We cannot prevent corruption in Exchange database completely. However, we can take actions to repair the database. Eseutil an Exchange utility to do this. But, if this utility fails to repair the database, consider professional tools. These files reside in the bin directory too. This means that if you need to run eseutil on a database all you need is these 4 files and it will work fine even on an XP machine. The Repair process. Question: When do we end up having to repair an exchange database?
Answer: Your database is in a dirty shutdown state and the required log files are missing. To get an overview about transaction log files and the process in which they commit to the database, refer:. Repairing databases involves the following three stages, in this order:. Run Isinteg only on the database to repair the database at the application level and fix the logical corruption of the database.
Before proceeding, look at the figure below:. The B-tree structure consists of pages, rows, tables etc. After completing the ESE-level repairs, it is necessary to perform an application-level repair to correct problems that may now exist at the application level because of missing data.
The following example illustrates how the repair mode in Eseutil works. For example, a table in the database stores messages for all mailboxes. Suppose that a message is lost when using Eseutil to repair the message table. Eseutil does not correlate the message with the reference to it in each Inbox folder because Eseutil does not have the information about the cross-table schema of the application. Isinteg is needed to compare the repaired message table with each Inbox to remove a lost message from the Inbox folder.
Eseutil looks at each Exchange database page and table and ensures consistency and integrity within each table. Isinteg repairs a database at the application level and ensures the integrity of the relationships between tables.
So, what did you understand? This shows the current state the database is in right now. So, no matter where I run it from, it's the same. The difference, issue, is from the Exchange Management Console. My question is really for information now. Why is the version different from the Exchange Management Console than it is from Powershell or a command prompt. I also get an error if I try to run eseutil from within the console - eseutil doens't match the database version.
Maybe the e2k7 console has eseutil built in? But there is still no eseutil. Is it part of a plugin? I'm sorry - shell, not console. Iknow I've been typing console all along. Sorry abou that. Could you please post the result here? Frank Wang.