Demencias pdf

The epidemiology of Alzheimers disease and related disorders. London: Shapman and Hall, The prevalence of dementia: a quantitative integration of the literature. Acta Psychiatr. Senile dementia: a clinical, and genetic study. Acta psychiatr Scand. Prevalence of demential sndromes in a population of Uruguay. Study of Villa del Cerro. J Neurol Sci, p. Early environmental origins of neurodegenerative disease in later life.

Health Perspect. Neurology, v. Rev Bras Psiquiatr, v. Supl I, p. Estudo epidemiolgico da prevalncia de demncia em Ribeiro Preto. Tese doutorado. Universidade de So Paulo, Prevalncia de demncia em diversas regies do mundo: Anlise dos estudos epidemiolgicos de a Neuro-Psiquiatr, v. Epidemiologia da doena de Alzheimer no Brasil. Psiq Clnica, v. Incidence of dementia in a communitydwelling brazilian population.

Alzheimer Dis. Measurement of functional activities in older adults in the community. J Gerontol, v. Pathophysiology of the Alzheimer syndrome. Org Clinical diagnosis and management of Alzheimers disease. Canad: Martin Duniz. The prevalence of dementia in Girona. Neurologia, vol. The dementias. Lancet, v. Frequency and distribution of Alzheimers disease in Europe: a collaborative study of prevalence findings.

Ann Neurol, v. High prevalence of dementia among older adults from poor socioeconomic backgrounds in So Paulo, Brazil. Int Psychogeriatr, p. Epidemiological research on dementia in developing countries.

Sade Pbl. Prevalence of organic brain syndrome in an elderly population in an metropolitan area of the southeastern region of Brazil. The mental health of older people in Rio de Janeiro. Geneva: World Health Organization, Abstract The purpose of this review was to present epidemiological aspects of dementias, describing risk factors, prevalence and incidence studies for these syndromes.

The studies show a variation of the prevalence of dementia in the world, which may have resulted from diagnostic criteria used and methodological aspects, as the study design and characteristics of the sample. Among the risk factors for dementia, we emphasized genetic and clinical aspects, and some demographic and behavioral variables.

Epidemiological studies of dementia syndromes are still scarce, especially in developing countries, needing further investigation of this nature to assist in the planning of health care for the elderly population.

Pular no carrossel. Anterior no carrossel. Explorar E-books. Os mais vendidos Escolhas dos editores Todos os e-books. Demencia mixta. Otras enfermedades cerebrales. Las formas hereditarias de la ECJ incluyen:. Enfermedad de Huntington. La enfermedad de Huntington puede afectar el juicio, la memoria y otras funciones cognitivas.

Los hijos de personas con Huntington tienen un 50 por ciento de probabilidad de desarrollar la enfermedad. Demencias secundarias. Lesiones o traumatismo en la cabeza. Demencias reversibles. Factores ambientales. Los factores ambientales pueden jugar un papel en el desarrollo de ciertos tipos de demencia. Entre los ejemplos de factores ambientales se incluyen:. La anoxia. Este tipo de demencia suele ocurrir en las personas que sobreviven un paro cardiaco.

El envenenamiento. El abuso de sustancias. Recent studies point to a slight drop in the accumulated risk of dementia adjusted by age groups and sex over the last few decades in some countries.

It is possible that by means of primary prevention strategies implemented upon the known risk factors for dementia the burden of dementia on public health will diminish in the future.

Title: Epidemiologia de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias. La demencia es un sindrome clinico causado por multiples etiologias y que cursa habitualmente con disfuncion cerebral progresiva y difusa. Neu- degeneration: consensus of the Consortium for Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Acta Neuropathol ; Progressive right frontotemporal degeneration: Dementia ; The influence of right frontotemporal dys- Corticobasal degeneration and its relationship to pro- function on social behavior in frontotemporal dementia.

Neurology ; 56 11 gressive supranuclear palsy. Ann Neurol ; 54 Suppl. Clinical research criteria for the diagnosis of pro- The evolution and patho- gressive supranuclear palsy Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome : report of the logy of frontotemporal dementia. Kertesz A. Pick complex: an integrative approach to frontotemporal dementia: pri- Cerebral blood flow in dementia. Arch Neurol mary progressive aphasia, corticobasal degeneration, and progressive supranuclear ; Neurologist ; 9: Loeb C, Gandolfo C.

Diagnostic evaluation of degenerative and vascular dementia. Psychopathology in patients with degenerative Stroke ; Am J Psychiatry ; Propuesta de vascular dementia: a critical review.

Part II. Subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia. Reisberg B. Diagnostic criteria in dementia: a comparison of current criteria, re- Lancet Neurol ; 1: J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol ; Limitations of clinical criteria for the diagnosis Is a focus on subcortical vascular dementia a Research agenda for DSM-V: diagnostic cate- solution? Ann N Y Acad Sci ;


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