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Patent Search. Book Store. Member Profiles. Highland Woodworking. Item Photos:. On the very end of the shaft is a knurled knob with a set screw in it. Maybe this gets pulled in or out to engage the 5" top pulley and disengage the gear reduction unit in the lower housing. Just below that is another shaft that comes out the side of the casting that gives you a gear reduction for cutting metal. It has a step pulley on it.
The motor also has a step pulley but with an extra grove. The first four groves accomplish the different speed ranges for the low speed option which works fine. The machine has two belts. One runs the low speed operation and the other one apparently runs the high speed operation. The belt that runs the high speed operation is very loose. I don't know if it has the incorrect belt as I have never seen one of these machines properly assembled to tell if any parts are missing.
What I am trying to figure out is how you switch from the slow speed operation to the high speed operation. Any help would be appreciated. I can supply a few pictures if that would help. Thanks in advance for your assistance. It tends to grab and release when cutting metal and the blade chews a bit on the tiresnone of the metal only horizontal bandsaws I have had have rubber tireswondering if this was an additon to optimize for wood.
I have a Powermatic which has a high and low range, for wood or metal. It also has rubber tires, while my Wellsaw horizontal doesn't.
It's a shame Jet bought Powermatic out and shut them down. Strange how a company making cheap goods can get powerful enough to buy out better ones. Same goes with Carnival Cruise lines buying out almost all the other, classier lines, even Cunard! What's going on with the business world Paul.
That is the exact bandsaw that I just purchased. I think there is some type of a fiber disc missing where you switch between high and low gear. The slots don't seem to line up properly. I tried pushing and pulling on the knob but was unable to get it to move. It probably just needs a little persuasion as the bandsaw has been sitting in storage for several years. What I need now is a parts list for the saw. One or both of the belts are incorrect as the belt for the high speed pulley is really loose when the other belt is tight.
Your help is really apprecated. Hi wathomas, Yes, it has rubber tires. I bought new tires for the one I am currently using for cutting metal. I believe they sold me some orange colored tires that were supposed to be used on their metal cutting bandsaws. The ones on this machine are black. They are in fare shape. It works pretty good but have been looking for one of these for a long time. Discussion Forum. Machine Info. Photo Index. Support Vintage Machinery. Submitting Content.
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