Cva bobcat manual

Thread Tools Show Printable Version. I have read a lot of load data, but I was hoping for a starting place for what I have.

I have the local gun shop getting me some Pyrodex RS, I just don't have the funds right now to buy a whole case of BP. I am pretty excited about my Bobcat, I first thought I wanted an inline rifle so it would be "easy" to use. But after I found the Bobcat at a cheap price, got it home and started cleaning it, I think a sidelock is all I want.

I think a pistol will be next, and I am building a powder horn right now. The powder horn thread is in special projects if you guys want to give some advice on it. Kinda funny, while everyone else in the world is trying to buy AR's I am going the other direction! OH, the Bobcat is a 1 in 48 twist carbine style if that would help. I assume it's a 50 cal. For starters, you can go with 50 grains. Should be able to get to grains, but that little gun might be a brute at the top end. The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike Thomas Jefferson.

Don't know what caliber you have but many on here will have suggestions- pretty straight forward on suggested starting "loads" but your own experimentation will serve you best. I'd recommend BP but that's me. Graf is at Mexico MO so sooner or later you or someone could get some BP if they have any left after the buying frenzy. As far as going the opposite way in the madness- I'm with you!

Trust but verify the honeyguide. Originally Posted by fouronesix. I've never used Pyrodex so can't comment on that. I have a Traditions DeerHunter their version of the Bobcat and have killed many deer with grns of 3F black powder and a prb. That much powder is too wasteful in that short barrel and I now shoot 70grns as a hunting load. Young guys should hang out with old guys; old guys know stuff.

Originally Posted by Hanshi. You can go up or even down from there if you like. I have one in 50 cal and one similar in Full text of "CVA Sidelock" info cva. A few light scratches, but overall in nice shape This item came from a michigan estate. They are very accurate, and dependable if you know how to keep them cleaned.

I still favor the round ball in them, with a lubed patch. I will use between grains of FF with a 50 cal and a cva staghorn magnum. Our rifle was. May 2, Hawken Finished Stock 0. How seri-ous you take this responsibility can be the difference between life and death.

There is no excuse for careless or abusive handling of your firearm. At all times handle your firearm with intense respect for its power and potential danger. Rifle Kit. See my other auctions for more parts. I will happily combine shipping on all my items. Just wait to pay until all the items have closed and request a total.

I will send a total with the shipping combined. Since , Numrich Gun Parts Corp. But last night I finally found where someone had copied some original data … another person, make sure you give the new owner a copy of this manual or advise him to get a copy from CVA.

Simple load no powder to measure. Welcome to the cva muzzleloading blog! CVA Optima V2. Field test: 4 new muzzleloaders tested and in-line muzzleloader makers have introduced the first modern hammerless break-action designs and totally reinvented the 4 New Muzzleloaders Tested and.

Muzzleloaders traditionsfirearms. I need a manual for a cva bobcat 50 cal black Apr 12, I need a manual for a cva bobcat 50 cal black powder rifle,i need the diagram showing the trigger assembley Loading Include an image.

It's worth. Saab 9 3 drivers manual Download Cva side loading muzzleloader owners bobcat manual. Cva bobcat - modern muzzleloader For correct muzzleloading procedures please refer to your Owner s Manual or contact the respective manufacturer.

CVA Bobcat. Talk that is a good hunting load. The truth about cva muzzleloaders - official cva As a potential or present CVA owner, the accurra frame looks like it is the same design could he swap out the old apex muzzle loader frame for the Accura frame?

Cva wolf muzzleloader instruction video - youtube Aug 21, This video is meant to give you a better understanding of the features and functions of the CVA Wolf muzzleloader. Owners manual for cva bobcat rifle - xdjfknmnpy - zip. Product owner manuals traditionsfirearms. Traditions Product Owner Manuals. To access the owner's manual for your firearms, please select from the drop down menu below.


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