Click on Continue Anyway there. You are done and can test the newly remapped key or combination of keys to witness if the context menu launches or not. This should work everywhere, like on desktop, browser, and so on.
Just like a physical context menu key works. You will follow the same steps as above to reach the Keyboard Manager area, which are steps 1 and 2. Noticed a delete icon next to each remapped shortcut key? Click on it and confirm if asked to delete it. The shortcut will no longer work, and you can always create or recreate the same shortcut again as and when needed.
Here's a bonus trick that may or may not work for you, depending on the keyboard layout and model you own. In my case, it was working in Edge and Chrome apart from the desktop but not inside Firefox for some reason. That means it doesn't work on all apps either but does work in most places.
It works in most areas, but I already have an external keyboard with a dedicated context menu icon. Try it now. PowerToys is amazingly powerful and comes with so many useful tools under its belt. The list is only growing as developers continue to add more utility to the app. The keyboard remapping tool is just one of them, and imagine what you can do with that alone. And there is the Remap shortcuts option that we didn't even explore, but that will allow you to tweak keyboard shortcuts to your liking further.
I suggest you play around with it for a while to see how it works. You can always delete them if you don't like how it functions. Having too many items on the right click menus can be particularly annoying because you can't use the mouse to scroll through, you have to click on the arrows at the top and bottom of the list, and we bet there's at least one program on your context menus that you never use. Conversely, managing the context menu to work in your advantage can be a rewarding tweak to your operating system, or at the very least getting rid of the useless things that third party apps might have added there.
Various tools have simplified the process of adding shortcuts to your frequently used software, utilities and visited destinations around Windows.
For instance, we've looked at ways that you can remove the Recycle Bin from the Windows desktop, and put it elsewhere where it's just as accessible and useful.
Although we didn't cover any methods for putting it on any context menus at the time, adding a shortcut to empty the Recycle Bin when you right click your desktop would make it the most accessible without the icon actually being on your desktop.
Note that the "Computer Management" utility in Windows provides access to the operating system's native disk manager, device manager, performance monitor, task scheduler, event viewer, services etc. You can launch Computer Management from the list that appears when you right click the Start menu, but would be worth adding elsewhere if you were considering a shortcut to one of those locations.
Also keep in mind that many of the context menu tools we tested would only run properly if we launched them as an administrator, which should be available as an option already on Windows when you right click an executable, though you can also click on a program while holding Control and Shift on your keyboard to open it with admin rights.
If you're looking to remove just one item, it might be best off going directly through the options provided by the software itself. Best Wireless iPhone Earbuds. Best Bluetooth Trackers. Best eReaders. Best VPN. Browse All News Articles. Windows 11 Uninstall Clock. Teams Walkie-Talkie. PCI Express 6. Wordle Scams. T-Mobile iCloud Private Relay. Avira Antivirus Crypto Miner. Linux PinePhone Pro. Google Green Messages.
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