Windows phone 7 mango sample apps

With Mango a few of the existing Launchers and Choosers have received new features. The MediaPlayerLauncher task can now specify the Orientation of the video player. When trying to playback videos recorded on mobile devices the new portrait setting would be extremely useful. The EmailResult class which is returned from the EmailAddressChooserTask now also contains a DisplayName and in addition to the email address chosen by the user. For any apps upgraded to Mango that use WebBrowserTask there should be a build warning asking you to switch to the new task.

Create static method it is possible to add secondary tiles that deep link into application. An interesting hidden feature of this API is that it allows to also modify the primary tile pinned to the phone home page. Another change introduced in Mango is adding an overload for ShellTileSchedule so it can work with secondary tiles. Using this new API it is possible to set an interval in which the secondary tile images are updated from a remote server.

Thinking about these 2 usecases makes it easier to understand the new API introduced for this featureset. We would also have to invoke the UIElementRenderer. Render within our game loop. Use the new GamerTimer timer for your game loop in mixed mode apps. Linq and Microsoft. Mapping namespaces. The DatabaseSchemaUpdater is used to make sure that different versions of the application could upgrade the previously installed databases from older versions.

It is then possible to use that version number to programmatically add database objects tables, columns, etc and update the schema version. This is an important feature since there is no other way to execute DDL i. Most of the work for this feature would have to happen on the server-side to expose XML files with the appropriate search data and deep links.

There are parts of the application UI that are actually part of the OS shell. The SystemTray previously only had an IsVisible property to hide the top bar. The main reason why app developers hid the top bar in apps was due to a theme colour clash. So with Mango you can use your brand colours on the SystemTray by setting the new attached dependency properties.

As a reminder a pattern of a static GetFoo, SetFoo and FooProperty members is an attached dependency property pattern. A SystemTray. Attached Dependency properties have been added to the MapPlayer class that allow to position random XAML elements in a latitude and longitude coordinate or relative to the rest of the map. A common requirement in NoDo was to block the automatic frame navigation from navigating back into certain pages e.

We had a hard time narrowing this down to our 20 best free Windows Phone 7. Here are our favourites that make the most of background tasks, secondary live tiles, access to the camera and other Mango improvements, or apps that make the new features in Mango more useful or easier to use - and they're all free.

It's not just a bit of a landmark app for the Windows Phone platform, the Spotify app is excellent in its own right especially on a handset like the Lumia with good speakers. Enjoy playlists you've already set up, search for tracks to listen to or add them to a specific playlist, or listen to friends' playlists. You can stream tracks or save playlists to your phone to listen offline, you can go back and see what you've listened to recently, and while Spotify has its own player with options for sharing and starring tracks you can also use the standard Windows Phone volume and play controls without switching back to the app.

The what's new albums aren't limited to the six tiles you can see on screen; keep hitting refresh for another selection. About the only option from the desktop client we can't find is being able to rename a playlist; new playlists get the name of the first track, album or artist you add.

If you prefer Evernote to OneNote, the Mango update is crammed with improvements to make iPhone users jealous, including Wi-Fi background sync of your notes; you can pin specific notes, notebooks, tags or searches to the Start screen. You can pin templates which can include tasks like taking a photo and saving it as a note with some boilerplate text - ideal for recording receipts, business cards, wine labels or anything similar.

And when you search on Bing, you can swipe across for a list of matching notes in Evernote. For the Mangolicious application, I have only static data, and I can populate the database in advance. To create the database in code, I need a class derived from DataContext, which is defined in the custom Phone version of the System. Linq assembly. This same DataContext class can be used both in the helper application that creates the database and the main application that consumes the database.

The class also contains a set of Table fields for each database table:. I define Table classes for all the other tables in the database in the same way, as shown in Figure 3. For the same reason, I only need get property accessors, not set modifiers see Figure 4. I also expose a public method—which I can invoke from the UI—to actually create the database and all the data.

For example, to create the Recipe table, I create multiple instances of the Recipe class, corresponding to rows in the table; add all the rows in the collection to the DataContext; and finally commit the data to the database. The same pattern is used for the Facts and Cocktails tables see Figure 5. At a suitable point in the helper application—perhaps in a button click handler—I can then invoke this CreateDatabase method. The final task is to extract that file to the desktop so I can use it in the main application.

This command assumes the tool is installed in a standard location. The parameters are explained in Figure 6. In the Mangolicious application, I add the SDF file to the project and also add the same custom DataContext class to the solution, with a couple of minor changes.

Thus the connection string is slightly different from the one in the helper application. Also, Mangolicious defines a SeasonalHighlights table in code. Instead, this code table pulls data from two underlying database tables Recipes and Cocktails and is used to populate the Seasonal Highlights panorama item. These two changes are the only differences in the DataContext class between the database-creation helper application and the Mangolicious database-consuming application:.

The Mangolicious application also needs a ViewModel class, and I can use the ViewModel class from the helper application as a starting point. The critical method in the ViewModel is the LoadData method. I could preload all three tables at this point, but I want to optimize startup performance by delaying the loading of data unless and until the relevant page is actually visited.

The only data I must load at startup is the data for the SeasonalHighlight table, because this is displayed on the main page. For this, I have two queries to select only rows from the Recipes and Cocktails tables that match the current season, and add the combined row sets to the collection, as shown in Figure 7. The main page consists of a Panorama with three PanoramaItems. The first item consists of a ListBox that offers a main menu for the application.

When the user selects one of the ListBox items, I navigate to the corresponding page—that is, the collection page for either Recipes, Facts and Cocktails—or the Game page. Just before navigating, I make sure to load the corresponding data into the Recipes, Facts or Cocktails collections:. You can stream tracks or save playlists to your phone to listen offline, you can go back and see what you've listened to recently, and while Spotify has its own player with options for sharing and starring tracks you can also use the standard Windows Phone volume and play controls without switching back to the app.

The what's new albums aren't limited to the six tiles you can see on screen; keep hitting refresh for another selection. About the only option from the desktop client we can't find is being able to rename a playlist; new playlists get the name of the first track, album or artist you add.

If you prefer Evernote to OneNote, the Mango update is crammed with improvements to make iPhone users jealous, including Wi-Fi background sync of your notes; you can pin specific notes, notebooks, tags or searches to the Start screen. You can pin templates which can include tasks like taking a photo and saving it as a note with some boilerplate text - ideal for recording receipts, business cards, wine labels or anything similar.

And when you search on Bing, you can swipe across for a list of matching notes in Evernote. Until the Skype and Lync apps come out, Tango Chat is the only video chat for Windows Phone and it's available on a lot of other platforms already so you probably have friends using it. It's easy to find out as anyone in your address book using Tango shows up in your contact list automatically.

Call quality is good; it works best with a front-facing camera but it still works without one as long as you only want to either see or be seen but not both at once.

Mango lets you have your own music as ringtones. Rather than cutting MP3s down to 50 seconds and copying them through Zune by hand, use EasyRing to find free ringtones online, try them out and save them to your phone two separate steps, by the way.


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