Where do i report a bad driver

This includes such things as non-injury crashes, traffic congestion, breakdowns and obstructions on the highway. Your call will go to a Police Communications Centre but will be given lower priority than calls. You can report non-urgent incidents of poor driving where you do not wish the offender to be prosecuted. For Police to process your report you need to provide a registration plate number and make or colour of the vehicle you are reporting. People just keep posting I guess thinking you are part of Uber: Thankfully thsts nit the case:.

I would like to lodge a complaint with the Ober of Egypt because they are working with disrespectful and criminal drivers. This is a collective complaint in Egypt yesterday. The drivers stole my phone and filed a complaint with the company,. A company I am working for is developing an alternative, but safer solutions in ridesharing services. This driver needs to be fired! He was going way to fast for my liking.

And I asked him 2 times nicly to slow down , and he said okay. But we almost hit 2 cars since then. Came to a red light and he almost didn't stop.

I had my 8month old baby with me! What is wrong with people now a days? Maybe uber should put radars in all vehicles to alert them when their drivers are driving out of control!! I want to be reimburse for this trip. And never want this driver ever again.

Drove from east bridgewater to Randolph in 13 mins. I used Lyft for the first time Tuesday, because it was very cold and I didn't have any cab numbers. I had a Mr. Lin Jian, Toyota TC. Not only was he prejudice, he was disgusting. He was yelling at me and my kids because we didn't enter his car fast enough. And when I told him there was no need for disrespect he refused his service forcing us out his car. We had to take the bus. Pour disgusts is what I feel.

You know I have noticed overall that many Uber drivers are not "service" oriented and they are not used to treating and handling customers. They are highly privileged and hide behind the fact that they are independent contractor, potentially part-time, and they drive their own cars. They look down on you and treat you like you should be lucky to be able to enter their vehicle.

I am a driver and do agree with you. Some drivers are ridiculous and others know nothing about customer service. Cant argue with you on this one:. Ran into one of those idiots last night. His loss 3 min ride 3. He was also reported with pics to Uber by my rider. Now we are dealing with the same mean New Yorkers but more privileged ones who have no experience in customer service. Thanks Lyft and Uber for ruining everything. Drivers have to pick anyone up, it is the law. They cannot discriminate.

You should definitely report this to Lyft, perhaps they will give you some free rides or something to make up for your trouble or at the very least deactivate this jerk. Sorry your kids had to witness this :. Not only that it says she drives a black impala but drives a white Nissan.

If she isnt using the app how do you know which car she says she is using? In order for you to know the car she would be have to be on the app logged in. Is she asking for additional money to drive the people? If so cancel her and order another Uber and report her. A tip? Although its rude to ask for a tip its not illegal. Can always say no. If she is not using app and people are giving her money to drive they are wrong then also. All involved need to realize if its not through Uber they will not pay if in an accident.

They can be a big problem for all parties involved. This driver call Afrifa treating the life of my wife and and the family. Cars still speed when the children are playing in the street and they need to be stopped before some one gets hit by any of these cars and what should also happen is a camera and speed bumps put down that will slow them down a lot and a camera. Once caught on camera then they should take a driving test again and given a fine too.

Get Best Auto Insurance Quotes. Compare Insurance Companies in United States. Uber are thieves!!!! Worse customer service. They do not resolve issues. Use Lyft. I get picked up today as my phone accidentally called them. Since an Uber shows up I took it. I told the driver please edit the location as my phone died as soon as I got into the car.

He said ok no problem. Then as I get dropped off for a five Minute ride I get charged for a one hour ride. I contacted uber about it right away and explained the situation.

They know they can easily track their drivers GPS system and see where he dropped me off or they can ask him. Whenever I had the least bit of an issue it was resolved right away. They always resolved any issues right away. Uber does not. Do not use UBER. These drivers and uber has no morals. They are thieves period.

Horrendous customer service. I mentioned my pick up and drop off location and they have the nerve to say , I was charged for tolls. The ubber driver near downtown westminster, Colorado is very bad mouthed and tempered. Parks on hte wrong side of the street which blocked oncoming traffic.

I gave him a solution to just park in a parking spot and wait for his person he is to pick up. He went ape wire on me and cussed me out. This morning he tells me to go home to my mama. I haven't lived at home for over 22 years. To this i replied, "I don't live with my mom like you do! Comes after am every time. If I were Ubber, I would fire him!

Two Ubers, same distance, same time leave. Report it, but it ends because I cannot provide enough evidence and also too late to report. You probably are wondering why I didnt report it immediately. The reason why was "Bar to Hotel". Worst services ever.. Driver name rajesh auto number UP 78 CT Language was so harsh.

He was giving me two option either cancel ride or come meters to get auto.. Sir min ny ajj subha apny ghr walon ko ride book kr k di or driver aik to long rot ly k gya or opr sy bich rsty min otara mare walda ko or bhoot zaida btmizi ki or dhmkian dyby lage.

Or bill uksa ban raha tha ropy jb k us ny ly lye or bhoot he zaida dhke dye mare walid sahb ko yaaa to es j khilaf krwai kren ya min repot drj krta hun. Driver bhoot btmeez tha aik to bhoot labma rasta ly k gya pick laga hua tha or phir bich rasty min mare family ko ptar k btmizi bhi ki or ly lye jb k pyment thi agye sy dhmkian bhi dyny laga or bhoot zaida btmizi ki.

I forget my luggage bag in uber auto please help me what should I do in this situation the driver name and license plate number is Mr. Hello, want to report a case, My uber driver delayed me today, couldn't get another ride since he refused to cancel the trip, I had to wait 3hrs later, this was a disgrace to your company!! The number to the driver is Hello sir I am from Hyderabad India yesterday I was book in cap the driver behaviour is not good his behaviour same like a Gangster I don't like and he cancel my booking front of me and he keep me fine 68 rupees for the next tric.

ORD handicapped violator. Handicapped violator. Reckless and road raging. I want a stop to these non sense drivers. The driver was driving school children to Edmund Rice Drive over the 40 kilometre speed limit. I have photos of the car and number plate and will be reporting the incident to the police.

This belligerent man should not be allowed to drive children particularly, since he is a obviously dangerous elderly driver, who is not complying with the duty of care in regard to driving school children. I forgot my mobile in uber car. When I call to my phone driver switch offed my phone. How to get my lost phone back.

I have driver name and car number only. DL 1Z A toyaota etios this uber driver are dangerous and crazy on road.. He is very rash driver plz disactivate this driver uber license. I'm very highly obliged if you do it.. Method 1.

Assess if the other vehicle poses a danger to other people. You should only report very serious traffic violations. Only call the police if you believe there is a serious risk of an accident.

Some signs of reckless behavior that should be reported include: [1] X Research source Driving too high or below the speed limit Weaving between cars and lanes Drifting between lanes or driving between two lanes Ignoring traffic signals and signs Excessive swerving Tailgating Road rage Street racing.

If you can, memorize the make and model of the car. This will be helpful when describing the car to the police. What color is the car? How many doors are there? Are there any distinctive bumper stickers? Are the windows tinted? How many people appear to be in the car?

Ask the passenger to record the license plate. The passenger can write it down, take a picture of the car, or make a note on their phone. If you do not have a passenger, do not attempt to get the license plate information, as you could put yourself in danger. Mount a camera to the dashboard of your car. While this will not help you report a previous accident, it can allow you to more easily report any future reckless driving incidents. The recording from the camera can be given to police.

Some apps, like Nexar, turn your phone into a dashboard camera. You will need a dashboard mount for the phone, however. These can be bought at electronic stores, phone stores, or online. Avoid following the car. Following the car can put you in danger. It is best to get as much information as you can from a casual glance and report it to the police. The police will handle the situation from there. Method 2.

Ask your passenger to report the driver. Have them make the call and report the driver. Do not try to talk on the phone while you drive, or you could put your life in danger. Pull your car over if you do not have a passenger. Move to a safe shoulder off of the road or into a parking lot.

Make sure this is a safe place to stop your car for a few minutes. Only call the police once the car is stopped and parked. In the US, this number is Describe the car to the police and tell them where it is headed.

Give them as much information as possible about the car. I'm near mile marker They are swerving between lanes, and I think they may be dangerous. Tell them the color and make of the car as well as what road you were driving on. This will help the police be on the lookout for this driver. Look up to see if your state has a similar service.

They were tailgating my car and then they made a rude gesture to me as they passed my car. You should only do this if the driver was in a clearly marked company vehicle. Method 3.


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