Wildfires are a particularly clear example. Read More. When Western Digital started its Fourth Industrial Revolution 4IR efforts seven years ago, no one was eager to let machine learning take over factory floors. Shop Now. Learn More. Featured Products. Shop All Products. Product includes a free extra year of limited warranty. I fully understand. The WDTV has just become too cumbersome and sluggish to deal with anymore.
Unfortunately for me it no longer plays about half of the movies I have on my system though a year ago it did just fine. It seems as though Netflix and other shave put pressure on them to offer streaming services and minimize the ability to play local content.
Similar competing boxes were bought up and then never brought back to market. If my WDLive boxes die then I will be forced to build my own dedicated HTPC and switch to Kodi which has a good menu system for viewing files and playing subtitled movies. Kodi is what I plan to use also. Agree, this does seem a bit weird since they are not selling them today.
Until smoke emanates from either, I will be good to go for a while. I even have a new Live Streaming player still in sealed box if I need to break into it. I have no avi files with my movies on them, but I would suspect Kodi could do a decent job of playing them like a WDTV can.
Also using Firestarter aka AppStarter. Trying to keep my file sizes down on my NAS. Nevertheless, how does one block auto update of the FW? But, in a few cases I have made a m4v file from BD-mkv to play on iPad. It was released as a Fire TV version by the new Twonky owner back in the fall. Both finally worked well. Must be due to improvements in the Connect app and FW updates. This will be handy for travel purposes, but totally unnecessary at home since I have WDTV and other less geeky ways to get my movies playing.
OK, will check it out. Essentially, it does all the things the press release says it will and it does them well. But what really makes the whole experience so nice is how slick and simple the menus and library interface are to use.
When you plug in a storage device, the unit will automatically scan it for multimedia and automatically add the files to its library, which is split up into video, audio, and image.
Videos and images can be viewed in order of date, filename, and recently viewed. Meanwhile audio can be navigated by artist, album, track name, date, and folder. Though you can turn off library mode and just navigate by device, folder, and filename.
There is one problem though. Instead, selecting an artist will just take you to a list of all the songs by that artist listed in alphabetical order. Likewise, selecting an album will show all the tracks in alphabetical order. Also, given you have to navigate your way round a virtual keyboard using the basic remote, we seldom found ourselves bothering. Despite this fact, the remote is actually perfectly adequate. Ultimately, what really lead to our jaws hitting the floor was not that Western Digital could create such a great device but that it would charge such a modest price for it.
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