Webspell community template

Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site. Start the new year with a new design! Grab this XMAS offer. This forum is permanently read-only. No registration can be made! It's also not possible to write new contributions. Our support forum only serves as an archive. Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Gamer-Templates Topic Author. Have fun. Powered by Kunena Forum. We are always looking for new templates, themes, PSD and similar stuff!

If you have created a new design and want to link or upload your design here write an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks for your help and your support! New Templates Check out our newest themes and templates.

Saint Regus Font Gamer Fonts. Ambrosia Template Joomla Templates. Epsilon Template Wordpress Templates. It has been very quite from our side over the last few weeks. We are still looking at getting a new release out at some point, but due to human nature, we cannot set a time when this will be happening.

There have been some engagement from users in testing the current development version, which is not as easy as one would think. Also thanks to all the various translations made.

We have now more completed translations than in any previous version. Looking forward to get all of them translated. All the best, and lets hope all goes to plan. Webspell Release » Translations for upcoming release. We are close to finish a new release Because of all the changes, there are several new and modified language files. So we need translators for our roughly 35 languages.


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