Torque Nm. Whole-body vibrations Whole-body vibration emissions on construction machinery are affected by a number of factors, such as the working mode, ground conditions, speed, etc. To a large extent the operator can influence the actual vibration levels, because the operator controls the speed of the machine, its working mode, the travel path, etc. Therefore, the result can be a range of different vibration levels for the same type of machine.
Use the proper type and size of machine, with optional equipment and attachments for the application. Keep the terrain and haul roads in good condition. Adjust the machine speed and travel path to minimize the vibration level. Keep the seat maintained and adjusted.
Minimize vibrations for long work cycle or long distance travelling. Back pain associated with whole-body vibrations may be caused by other risk factors. The following guidelines can be effective to minimize risks of back pains: — Adjust the seat and controls to achieve good posture. Move slowly when working in confined spaces and check that here is sufficient room for machine and load.
When working under ground, special equipment, e. Talk to your dealer. Check also local regulations before entering the area. Make sure that the machine does not come into contact with power lines while the power is switched on. Injuries will arise if part of your body should come into contact with a machine which is conducting electrical power. High voltage is lethal and the current sufficiently strong to destroy both machine and attachments.
Your life is in danger if you come into contact with or close to high voltage power lines. Always contact the power company responsible before beginning any work near high voltage power lines. Regard all power lines as if they were live even if they are supposed to be without current. Working when the machine or its load at any time is closer than the minimum safety distance to a power line, is taking a very serious risk.
Remember that the voltage of the power line determines the safety distance. Electrical flash-over may occur and damage machine and operator at fairly great distances from the power line. Also when transporting the machine, take overhead power lines into consideration. There can be a visual distortion through roof window. Real distance should be reconsidered. Bear in mind that the power line over the adjacent track may be live.
Loading and unloading is only permissible between the boundary signs. The signs may be mounted directly on the power line or on special posts. Underground cables and pipes Make sure that authorities or companies responsible for cables and pipes have been contacted and that their instructions are followed.
Also check which rules apply to ground personnel regarding exposing cables and pipes. Make use of a signal man when you cannot see the actual point where you are working or when the position of the pipe or cable is critical, see page The position of the pipe or cable may deviate from the drawing or distances may be incorrectly determined. Regard all electrical cables as live.
Working where there is risk of landslip Always check ground conditions before beginning to work. If the ground is soft, great care must be taken when positioning the machine. Thawing of frozen ground, rain, traffic, piling and blasting are factors which increase the risk of landslip. The risk also increases on sloping ground. Do not operate too close to the edge of a steep slope or road bank. Take care when working in a place where the machine may tip.
Take care when working on river banks or in other similar places where the ground is soft. There is a risk that the machine, because of its own weight and own vibrations, may sink and this could lead to accidents. Keep in mind that the ground conditions may have changed after heavy rain. Therefore, be careful when restarting work. This is particularly important when working near the edge of ditches, road verges or similar, as the ground may easily give way after it has been raining.
In order not to jeopardize the lubrication of the engine, it must not be inclined more than 35 degrees in either direction. However, note that the machine can perhaps not manage to work at this angle.
It may cause the machine to become unstable or unbalanced, depending on the load. Be careful when opening or closing the doors on a slope, operational force may be changed rapidly. Make sure to keep the doors closed. Do not change direction or travel a cross on a slope. Change direction on level ground, if necessary first come down to level ground and make a detour.
If the machine slides, immediately lower the bucket to the ground. The machine can turn over due to unbalance. Working in water Do not exceed the maximum permitted water depth, reaching the lower foot step. Check the water depth before taking the machine into the water. In very low temperatures the hydraulic system of the machine will response slowly. Therefore, take care before the system has reached operating temperature, so that accidents are avoided.
Read the advice for starting, see page The windows must be free from ice and snow before putting the machine to work. Avoid contact between unprotected skin and very cold metal objects, as the skin may freeze to the metal. Disconnect the electrical engine heater before servicing the machine. There may be risk of burns and electrical shock.
Attachments Using the correct attachment for a particular job is a deciding factor for the capacity of the machine. The machine has either permanently mounted attachment or attachment mounted in a attachment bracket which allows rapid changes of attachment. When selecting a working attachment, observe the recommendations of the Volvo CE working attachment catalogue. This identification therefore also covers the attachment which are designed and marked by Volvo CE, as they are an integrated part of the machine and adapted to the machine.
We will only assume reliability for machines which are operated with the attachments, equipment and spare parts specified by us. Attachments manufactured by other companies must be approved by Volvo CE for the specific machine, have a CE marking and be delivered with a Declaration of Conformity as well as operating instructions.
Never use any attachment, unless you have checked that it is securely fastened and that the attachment including hydraulic hoses, hose connections and other components is free of damage. Your safety is concerned!
When changing to another attachment, the holes for the lock pins in the new attachment should be cleaned and lubricated. Make sure that the hydraulic oil in the attachment, which is to be connected, is not contaminated foreign particles, water etc.
Check that the attachment is properly locked by pressing the front edge of the attachment against the ground, so that the front end of the machine begins to rise slightly, see the figure below. If you are uncertain as to whether the attachment is securely locked, you must visually check that the locking pins of the attachment bracket are in the locked position.
Attachment brackets Separate attachment locking Connecting 1 Release the locking pins by first pressing the upper end of the switch see page 19 and then push control lever 2 forward in order to retract the locking pins. Lock the attachment by pulling control lever 2 rearward in order to move the locking pins out into locking position locking pins protruding approx.
Check that the attachment is properly locked by pressing the front edge against the ground. If it is locked, the front wheels will begin to rise. When connecting attachments, the operator should make sure that the expected effect is obtained when moving the control levers. An unexpected movement may possibly result in an accident. Always check the function before the machine is put to work and that hydraulic hoses etc. Disconnecting 1 The attachment should be in a level position just above the ground.
The switch for attachment locking must only be actuated in connection with the changing of attachments. Otherwise the pressure may be lost and as a consequence the attachment may work loose and cause injuries. Pressure release Residual pressure in the hoses makes it very difficult to part or join up the quick-action coupling halves. This is facilitated, by releasing the pressure in the hydraulic system, when, for example, you want to disconnect a hydraulic hose: 1 Stop the engine.
The pressure in hoses from timber grapples can be released in the following way: 1 Close the clamping arm fully. The attachment should always rest on the ground when releasing the pressure. Excess pressure in a hydraulic attachment can be released by slackening the lock nut between the hose and the hydraulic pipe and then tightening it again.
Meanwhile watch the attachment. Collect the surplus oil. To pick up solid, cohesive materials it is recommended to operate the lever 1 alternately several times quickly from from tilting forward to tilting backwards when entering into the material. This eases entering of the bucket into the material.
During the transport of the picked up material the bucket should not be higher than 0. For road travel and maintenance work the working hydraulics must be blocked against unintended actuation. This function can only be pre-selected when the engine is running. Before starting maintenance or repair work, park the machine on level ground, rest the working equipment flat on the ground and relieve the pressure in the hydraulic system. Shut down the engine and actuate the lever for working hydraulics several times from neutral to tilting forward and backwards.
The Boom suspension system must not be activated while travelling. For precise work with working attachments the Boom suspension system must be disabled. A too large bucket relative to the density of the material and the tipping load of the machine will give the impression that the machine is weak and unstable and will not increase the productivity. Bucket operation To obtain efficient and safe operation it is important to bear the following points in mind: Q.
Avoid wheel spin by adapting the engine speed and by transferring as much weight onto the front wheels as possible. This is achieved by slightly raising the bucket after it has begun to enter the material. Work with a straight machine against the material to obtain the greatest penetrating ability. This also contributes to reduced tyre wear. Gravel and heap loading 1 Adjust the bucket so that it is level and lower it to the ground just in front of the gravel heap.
When the machine has nearly come to a standstill because the maximum tractive effort of the machine has been reached, begin to raise the bucket while at the same time tilt backward with short control lever movements. If possible avoid tilting the bucket forward when filling it. Exaggerated lever movements causes wheel spin. Never move into the material at a high speed.
Suitable bucket:. Pay attention to the risk of falling material. Falling material can cause severe accidents if due care is not taken. Operate in 1st gear and at low engine speed.
Gradually increase the engine speed at the same time as you raise the bucket slightly. You must never engage the differential lock when one of the wheels is spinning. Let up the accelerator until the wheel stops. The bucket should be fully tilted backward and kept in the carrying position 30—40 cm 12—16 in above the ground. Keep the transporting road even and free from stones and other objects. There is always spillage from a too full bucket.
If visibility is limited by the load or the attachment, great care must be taken. Walk around the machine before starting and make sure that no persons remain in or enter the working area of the machine.
If you are uncertain, raise the load and check the conditions in the operation area by looking under the load and operate at low speed. Great care must be taken to prevent injuries and damage to property.
If you are working on an incline, try to arrange so that the load can be dumped uphill. This affects the stability of the machine in a positive way. Keep the bucket as close to the platform or bin as possible to achieve a smooth dumping and better control of the positioning of the load.
When loading rock, try to fill the first bucket with as fine material as possible in order to soften the impact of subsequent larger pieces. The positioning of the hauler transporting vehicle is of great importance for making the loading operation efficient. Having done so, the operator is then responsible for that the place is safe. The bucket should lie flat against the ground. To be able to fill any hollows you should have material in and in front of the bucket when operating forwards.
To finish off the levelling operation, keep the edge of the bucket slightly downward and reverse while pressing the bucket lightly against the ground. The multi-purpose 4-in-1 bucket is most suitable for all different types of earth moving operations as well as for levelling, scraping and gripping.
When levelling in rearward gear, the front bucket flap must only be partly opened, so that any obstructions, such as rocks or tree trunks do not damage or distort the front flap. The travel speed must be matched to the condition of the road. Material which is trapped between locking cylinder and rear clam must be immediately removed, as otherwise the piston rod of the cylinder may be damaged or bent.
Check hydraulic lines at regular intervals for leaks and visible external damage, replace if necessary. Grease the bearings for the clam bucket and the locking cylinders every 50 operating hours. For quality of grease, see page Buckets High tipping bucket optional equipment The high tipping bucket is a combination of carrier and bucket. During tilting the carrier acts like an extension of the lifting frame, thereby providing a high dumping height.
During loading and transport the bucket is tilted backwards between the carrier and the bucket body is almost in the same position as a normal bucket, so that there are almost no disadvantages with respect to breakout force, lifting force and tipping load. Avoid tilting of the high tipping bucket with the standard tipping function, or if necessary tilt only with low tilting speed, so that the bucket remains fully tilted backwards on the carrier.
Lubricate the bucket support and cylinder bearings every 50 operating hours. Side tipping bucket optional equipment The side tip bucket is suited for all possible earth movements such as filling up service trenches without major turning manoeuvres. Wet or very dense material may affect the stability of the machine when the tip bucket is emptied.
Therefore do not perform any unnecessary steering movements when the lifting arms are up and the bucket cylinder is fully extended. For longer transport and road travel the bucket must generally be properly locked and secured on the support. For quality of grease refer, see page Buckets Scrap bucket optional equipment The scrap bucket is most suitable for the loading of light metal scrap, e. Universal fork with hydraulic gripper optional equipment The universal fork is most suitable for the loading and transport of e.
Material which is trapped between cylinder and bucket must be immediately removed, as otherwise the piston rod of the cylinder may be damaged or bent.
Grease the bearings on gripper and cylinders every 50 operating hours. Clamshell bucket optional equipment The clamshell bucket also called Mulch grab bucket is most suitable for loading bulky material, e. In order to manoeuvre the shredder machine with the ball button tilt the clamshell bucket fully backwards and close the clamshell.
Grease the bearings on claws and cylinders every 50 operating hours. Timber grapples optional equipment The log loader is a universal gripper. It is most suitable for loading and sorting timber logs. If the machine has been equipped with Boom suspension system BSS , this system must not be engaged when a high degree of accuracy is required for loading or unloading.
The large clearance radius when handling round timber, means that the operator must take great care not to hit anyone or anything in the vicinity of the machine. This function enables the operation of hydraulic quick change attachments, such as clamshell bucket, gripper bucket, tree clamp etc.
However, the function of lever 2 is still available, to ensure an engagement position for road sweeper operation etc. This function can only be activated when the engine is running.
Special hydraulics Hydraulic circuit no. To relieve the pressure in the quick hydraulic couplings of the 4th hydraulic circuit, shut the engine down, turn the ignition switch to position I ignition and move lever 2 with the push button arrow actuated forward and back approx. Only pallet forks approved for the machine by Volvo CE may be used. Pallet forks are only to be used for intended purpose: Must, for example, therefore not be used as a crowbar for prizing loose a tree stump, large stone or similar.
Must not be overloaded or loaded obliquely. Must not be used as lifting equipment together with chains or slings for lifting objects. Fork tine back frame and fork tines must be dimensioned to withstand loads which the lifting capacity of the machine permits. Pallet forks and fork retainer must be kept free from dirt and rust and be well greased for best possible function.
The fork arms are dimensioned according to ISO and are classified together with the machine according to the norms in force.
With attached loading fork the machine must not be used in public traffic. Make sure that stops D are properly located, thus preventing the fork arms from sliding off the fork frame.
Particularly important when the fork arms are moved sideways manually. Make sure that the fork arms are locked against the fork retainer. The locking prevents the fork arms from moving sideways inadvertently. When detaching pallet forks from the machine, stabiliser legs should be placed against the ground. Check the pallet forks regularly as regards wear. It is particularly important to check the heel of the fork tine.
Pallet forks Operating with pallet forks The most important points for work with pallet forks are: Q. The fork makes a semicircular movement when it is raised. Therefore, start raising the fork a little bit away from the place where the load is to be placed. Choose the most suitable travel path with the smoothest surface or, when required, rectify by levelling off the ground. For increased stability, when working with pallet forks, it is important that the tyre pressure is correct according to recommendations.
With a wide load it may be advantageous to move the fork arms out on the fork frame to obtain increased stability of the load. Also make sure that the load is centred sideways with regard to the centre of gravity. For heavy work which require great break-out force, e. Choose fork tines with a correct length so that they do not protrude outside the load. Previously deposited pallet or goods may be damaged as the penetrating force of the fork tines is very great.
There may be deviations from the complete parallel movement see the Specifications and this may affect the use of the fork. If the load obscures the vision, reverse the machine to the place where the load is to be deposited.
Combi-forks The combination grapple is a good alternative when handling material that require a certain amount of holding. Here a special combi-fork back frame is used where standard fork tines are installed.
The combi fork is suitable for:. Within the pulp industry and on building sites, where both palletised goods and compressed material waste paper, packaging material etc. Approval and legal provisions The permissible rated operating load capacity according to CEN standard EN is given as a percentage of the tipping load. The percentage values, which must not be exceeded, are as follows: LA. It must be possible to control and handle the load hydraulically in all likely positions at the same time as all other hydraulic circles are actuated.
The maximum permissible load capacity is determined either by the stability of the machine or its hydraulic capacity whichever is less.
Therefore, always check which local rules apply. Material handling arm Material handling arm L45F optional equipment 1 Material handling arm, rigid Effective load at Z-attachment carrier: kg lb Effective load at V-attachment carrier: kg lb. There is no end stop beyond a length of mm in , so there is a risk of the inner arm being pulled out then. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the lifted load does not exceed the permitted machine and fork lift attachment loads.
Remember that the stability of the machine when straight is reduced when turning. Make sure that the material handling arm is correctly locked and secured. If the machine has been equipped with lifting arm suspension BSS , this system must not be engaged when a high degree of accuracy is required for loading or unloading.
If the machine has been equipped with lifting arms springiness BSS , this system must not be engaged when a high degree of accuracy is required for loading or unloading. Material handling arm Load hook on bucket back optional equipment The load hook arrow on the back of the bucket allows for the attachment of a rope or a chain to secure the load which is being lifted, transported or lowered. The permissible effective load depends on the machine size, bucket type and machine configuration and can be requested from Volvo upon submission of the data referred to above.
Due to the machine construction the effective load must never exceed kg lb. When using the machine on public roads check which local and national regulations concerning the attachment of road sweeping equipment must be complied with. The road sweeping machine is most suitable for sweeping paved surfaces, but not for hazardous substances and health threatening dusts. Connect the hydraulic hoses correctly so that the hoses are free and not squashed when starting the road sweeper.
For road sweeping machines with water spraying device plug the electric plug for the water pump into the socket on the front frame.
During operation make sure that the height adjustable supporting wheels are adjusted to such a height, that the horizontally adjusted broom drum only just touches the ground. The weight of the road sweeping machine must always rest on the supporting wheels and not on the brushes. If the brushes are adjusted too low the broom bristles will brake and the steering rollers will vibrate. All guards and safety devices must always be in place.
During work the resting supports must be in raised position. Grease all lubrication points on the road sweeping machine after approx. The condition of hydraulic oil lines must be examined at least once every year, replace if necessary. Lifting objects When using the machine for lifting, e.
Working with a load hook During lifting work the stability of the machine must be assured. For safe performance of the work the driver himself must strictly observe the respective conditions and prerequisites.
Q As far as this is possible, the machine should be standing on a firm and level base. Q On soft, uneven or sloping surfaces, if there is a risk of collapsing, application of transverse loads or other dangers of similar nature greatest care must be exercised. Q If the machine is standing on a sloping surface the centre of gravity is displaced and during lifting a position may be reached in which the machine will turn over.
Q Use only suitable lifting tackle. Q When driving with hanging load keep the load as low as possible. Q Operate machine and load hook with careful movements to avoid pendulum movements of the load, if necessary stabilize load with lashing ropes. Q The speed must be adjusted to the condition of the driving ground. Make sure that the chain or rope used to secure the load is not fitted in a perpendicular direction and that it cannot be damaged by sharp edges.
No persons must remain under the unsecured load when attaching the chain or rope, or when lifting loads. Q Boards, planks, reinforcing irons or similar should have the sling arranged so that they cannot fall out of the loops.
Q Girders should generally be lifted with a clamping device. Q Padding made from, for example, cut up compressed-air hoses, may be used in order to protect the slings. Q The slings should be well tightened. Never attach a lifting device chain, sling or similar around the teeth on the bucket when lifting. If a tooth should break, there is a risk of serious injury. Running checks of lifting attachments Continuous supervision should be carried out at regular intervals by a knowledgeable and experienced person and arranged by the employer.
Should wear, cracks or other deficiencies, which may jeopardise the safety of the machine or the lifting equipment, be noticed during the running checks, the machine or the lifting equipment must not be used. If two or more operators make use of the same signal man, an agreement should be made beforehand how the lifting operation is to be carried out and how the signals should be given to the respective operator.
The lower arms are moved several times towards the chest. The lower arms are moved several times from the chest down. Safety when servicing This section deals with the safety rules which must be followed when checking and servicing the machine.
Volvo CE disclaim all responsibility if other tools, lifting devices or working methods are used than those described in this publication. Further safety rules and information and warning texts are given within the respective sections. Lifting with a jack must only be carried out by trained personnel.
BEFORE you begin service work the machine must be placed on level ground and prepared as shown below. AFTER you have completed the service, any guard plates must be re-installed and all engine covers are to be closed and locked. It is also important to read and follow information and instructions on plates and decals. Always wear a hard hat, protective goggles, gloves, protective shoes and other protective articles when the work so requires.
If service work has to be carried out under raised lifting arms, these must first be secured. Engage the control lever lockout and apply the parking brake if the machine is equipped with one. When the engine is stopped, there is a remaining accumulated pressure in the pressurised systems. If a system is opened without having first released the pressure, liquid under high pressure will jet out.
Make sure that stepping surfaces, handholds and anti-slip surfaces are free from oil, diesel fuel, dirt and ice. Never step on parts of the machine that are not intended for this. It is important to use correct tools and equipment. Broken tools or equipment should be repaired or changed. When lifting or supporting the machine or parts of the machine, use equipment with a sufficient lifting capacity.
Volvo CE will not accept any responsibility otherwise. Make sure that no tools or other objects, which may cause damage, have been forgotten in or on the machine. Machines, which are used within a polluted or in another way insanitary area should be equipped for this kind of work.
Special safety regulations apply when servicing such a machine. Make sure that all covers on the machine are in position before the engine is started and the machine is put to work. Preventing environmental influence Be conscious of the environment when carrying out service and maintenance. Oil and other liquids dangerous to the environment and released into the environment will cause damage.
Oil degrades very slowly in water and sediment. One litre of oil can destroy millions of litres of drinking water. In common for all points below is that all waste is to be handed over to a treatment and disposal firm approved by the authorities. When draining, oils and liquids must be collected in suitable vessels and steps taken to avoid spillage.
Used filters must be drained of all liquid before they are passed on as waste. Used filters from machines which work in environments with asbestos or other dangerous dust, must be placed in the bag supplied with the new filter.
Batteries contain substances dangerous to the environment and health. Used batteries must therefore be handled as waste dangerous to the environment. Consumables, e. If the machine is used in an environment where the risk of fire is particularly high, e.
There is always a risk of fire. Find out what kind of fire extinguisher is used on your working site and how to use it. If the machine is equipped with a fire extinguisher, it should be kept inside the cab on the left side of the operator.
The designation ABE means that it is possible to extinguish fires in both solid organic material and liquids, and that the fire extinguishing compound does not conduct electricity.
Efficiency class I means that the effective operating time of the extinguisher must not be less than 8 seconds, class II at least 11 seconds and grade III at least 15 seconds. A hand-held fire extinguisher ABE I normally corresponds to a powder content of 4 kg 8. Do not smoke or have an open flame near a machine when filling with fuel or when the fuel system is opened and in contact with the surrounding air.
Diesel fuel oil is flammable and must not be used for cleaning. Use conventional car care products meant for cleaning or degreasing. Also bear in mind that certain solvents can cause skin rashes, damage to the paint finish and constitute fire hazard. Keep the place clean where the service is to be carried out. Oil and water can make the floor slippery and is also dangerous in connection with electrical equipment or electrically powered tools.
Oily and greasy clothes are a serious fire hazard. Check daily that the machine and the equipment, e. Besides reducing the risk of fire, it is also easier to detect faulty or loose components. Take great care if a high-pressure wash is used for cleaning. Electrical components and electrical leads can be damaged even at a moderately high pressure and temperature.
Protect electrical leads in an appropriate way. Take extra care when cleaning a machine working in a fire-sensitive environment, e. The risk of spontaneous combustion can be further reduced by installing insulation of the silencer guard. Check that fuel lines, hydraulic and brake hoses and electrical cables have not been damaged by chafing or are not in danger of being damaged in that way because of incorrect installation or clamping. Do not weld or grind on components which are filled with flammable liquids, e.
Exercise care with such work also in the proximity of such places. A fire extinguisher should be kept near to hand. Actions in case of fire If the circumstances permit and your own safety is not jeopardised, take the following steps at the slightest sign of fire: 1 Stop the machine, if the machine is in motion.
Otherwise, move away from the machine and out of the danger zone. Actions after fire When handling a machine which has been damaged by fire or been exposed to intense heat, the following protective measures must be followed: Q.
Never touch burnt components with your bare hands in order to avoid contact with melted polymer materials. First wash thoroughly with plenty of lime water a solution consisting of calcium hydroxide, i.
All paint decomposes when heated and forms compounds which may be irritating and after long or frequent exposure also very unhealthy. Heated paint gives off poisonous gases. Therefore, paint must be removed from an area with a radius of at least 10 cm 4 in before carrying out welding, grinding or gas cutting. In addition to the health hazard, the weld will be of inferior quality and strength, which, in the future, may cause the weld to break. Methods and precautionary measures when removing paint Q.
Paint remover or other chemicals — use a portable air extractor, respiratory protective equipment and protective gloves. Grinding machine — use a portable air extractor, respiratory protective equipment and protective gloves and goggles.
Never burn painted parts after they have been discarded. They should be disposed of by a licensed disposal plant. Heated rubber and plastics Polymer materials can, when heated, form compounds which are dangerous to health and environment and must therefore never be burned when scrapped. If gas cutting or welding is to be carried out near such materials, the following safety instructions must be followed: — Protect the material from heat.
Certain seals which are designed to withstand high operating temperatures, e. When heated to high temperatures, fluoro-carbon rubber decomposes to hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid, which is strongly corrosive on skin and respiratory tracts.
When handling a machine which has been damaged by fire or been exposed to intense heat, the following measures should be taken: Q. Discard gloves, rags and other items that have been in contact with heated fluoro-carbon rubber after first having washed these items in lime water a solution of calcium hydroxide, i. The area around a part which has been very hot and which may be made of fluoro-carbon rubber should be decontaminated by thorough and ample washing with lime water.
As a precaution, all seals O-rings and other oil seals should be handled as if they were made of fluoro-carbon rubber. If swelling, redness or a stinging feeling appears and one suspects that the cause may be contact with heated fluoro-carbon rubber, contact a medical doctor immediately.
Several hours may pass, however, before any symptoms appear and there is no immediate warning. The acid cannot be rinsed or washed off from the skin. Treat instead with Hydrofluoric Acid Burn Jelly or similar before contacting a medical doctor. See below for a list of items that most of our manuals cover. Some manuals actually cover more items that are not even listed! Free Online Preview Even the most novice mechanic can easily follow the step-by-step guides which are made simple by the illustrations and drawings.
Your Satisfaction is very important to us. Download Now. And that is exactly what we do for you when you want to buy machines. Weight: 7. Standard tyres: Bucket capacity: 1. Bucket width: 1. Bucket capacity: 0.
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