Vanderbilt hospital rn residency program

Onboarding and Orientation, including central and track specific orientation, as well as targeted population-specific education by experienced preceptors and VUMC content experts. The First Year, including professional development opportunities designed to meet the needs of the transitioning nurse. Beyond the First Year, including mentorship, career guidance, and support for ongoing professional development and growth.

All graduation requirements must be met including the HESI or other exit exams prior to the start date of the nurse residency program.

Required to be licensed prior to their start date. Contact us. Contact Us: VanderbiltNursing. Winter Applications Still Open Applications still being accepted for select tracks in Winter ! Join one of our virtual info sessions to speak with the Nurse Residency Recruitment team!

Ready to apply now? When together, all nurse residents will wear masks and practice appropriate social distancing. Many of the connections that are so important for new nurse residents have formed over a private Facebook group that they were invited to join. Smith acknowledged that many of the nurse residents, most of whom recently received undergraduate degrees, are anxious about the new reality of the virus.

Adapting an established program on the fly has been challenging, but its longstanding structure and support from leadership has made the job easier, Smith said. The process to receive the accreditation solidified a structure that made the transition smoother, she said. Program Objectives Create an individualized development plan with preceptors and management Develop effective decision-making skills in clinical judgment, reasoning and performance Include regulatory and safety requirements into daily practice Incorporate research-based, best practices to patient outcomes Provide clinical leadership at the point of care Strengthen commitment to nursing as a professional choice Transition from entry-level novice or advanced beginner to a competent nurse in the acute-care setting For application information, email VWCHnurseresidency vumc.

Services Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services in a modern, safe and patient-friendly environment. Learn more.


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