The primary risk for deployment associated infection is heterosexual exposure with the endemic population. With the increasing deployment of forces to areas of the globe in which the epidemic is characterized by a non-B subtype, the focus of the military's HIV vaccine development strategy is to develop a globally effective HIV-1 vaccine with emphasis on non-B subtypes.
The ability of a US government agency to accomplish its mission through the cooperative agreement with the Henry M. As representative of these military programs, the U. Army's HIV testing program is described. The first decade of this program is assessed from financial, research, policy, and epidemic-control perspectives. We conclude that the government's investment has been a prudent one, leaving the U. The U. Army HIV testing program : The first decade. Army HIV testing program: The first decade.
Arthur E. Brown, John F. Brundage, J. Menu HIV. GOV Search Search. Home DoD. Share Toggle share menu Facebook Twitter Email. However, approximately 10, more U. About one in seven are unaware of their infection. As a result, they are not accessing…. For your convenience, we have ….