Terminator 2 the arcade game snes

If the game fails to function properly, turn off the machine and unplug the ac line cord. Now the machines will try again. Your warranty, when applicable, lasts 60 days from your purchase date. It is then a race between the two of you to load up on weapons, defeat the other, and find sarah connor as the terminator, or defend her as reece.

To play a multiplayer game online, it is recommended that you install gamespy arcade. Nintendo nes game manual keywords: Manual keep this manual available and ready for use. Based on the hit movie! Pin on Slot machines. Pin on Pachislo Slot Machines. Data East "Lethal Weapon 3" pinball machine Pinball. The few pinballs I played, got a special place in my heart. Terminator 2 Tray Universal Studios Japan. Terminator 3 in Flipperautomat, Flipper, Automaten. Like the Resistance would walk into the CPU chamber and not even realize what it was because they'd be walking around on giant blocks.

As Skynet comes apart over the course of the battle, it goes from talking in a woman's voice to unintelligible baby-noises and incoherent babbling. It's unsettling. Destroy it, and the way opens to the Time Displacement Device. In this chamber, our hero can send himself back to stop the T Yeah, it isn't quite the way the movie went, but this is actually more or less what happened in the original screenplay of T2.

The Resistance stormed Skynet's mainframe at Cheyenne Mountain, and after shutting down Skynet they found the time equipment and used it to send one of their reprogrammed terminators back.

That whole section of the movie was abbreviated into the short future sequence we got, mainly due to the special effects budget. It's finally on film in the fanservice-fest that is Terminator Genisys.

The next phase of the game is in or whenever T2 takes place , and consists of three levels. None are as long as the four we've seen already, and the difficulty level dives a bit at this point too. Cyberdyne Systems has digitized Sarah and John running around while you lay waste to Well, it's a level. Unfortunately it doesn't take long for our heroes get Swatted by some griefer on Playstation Network.

Things get weird in the cold storage lab, as an army of scientists attack our hero by hurling vials of yellow liquid. I don't even want to know. Beyond that extreme weirdness, we encounter the real menace: The T The level ends as our heroes retreat. Defeat the truck, and it's time for a battle with the T Since it regenerates, it doesn't have a life meter.

The only way to win here is to freeze it. Shooting the liquid nitrogen tank will cause freezing nitrogen to pour out, and if you consistently land these on the T, it will gradually freeze. It's an interesting fight.

The T doesn't mess around, and occasionally slams you with its hook-arms. The final level puts you right into the steel factory. The T moves around the screen and shoots you while John just sorta hovers around. Where's Sarah? She held the T off pretty well in the movie. Man, they did a great job with these animations.

Most of them are taken right from the movie and digitized surprisingly well for Victory is a matter of blasting him with rockets when he's in the middle of the platform. Well, that was cool. Thus concludes T2: The Arcade Game. It's a lot of fun. They later made a similar but arguably superior light gun shooter for Terminator Salvation.

Roll credits. That one had to create its own music for whatever reason, but on the SNES, the arcade tunes stay. The music is noticeably weaker than the booming arcade tracks, however, and some tracks are dropped while others get reused. Effects make the most complete transition the console, and sound true to the original. Gunfire, whirrs and clomps of Endoskeletons, and especially the explosions, all sell the experience well.

All around, this is an amazing home port. Obviously, this is a little different than tossing a few casual quarters into an arcade cabinet, so only Terminator fans need to bring this into their humble abodes. But regardless of how you feel about the film, it stays as close to its source arcade as its hardware can allow, and for doing so achieves the most you could ever ask from a port. Vehicle levels are tough, need the mouse or Super Scope to get the most out of it. Gunpower limitation can get annoying.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was released by WMS Industries. The story of the game is loosely based on the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The player takes the role of The Terminator, already captured and reprogrammed by the Human Resistance, and fights alongside them against Skynet in the year Discovering the time displacement equipment, The Terminator is sent back through time to when John was a child with the mission to protect him from the T that Skynet had also sent back.

The T catches up to the group and pursues them in a police helicopter and a liquid nitrogen truck. The Terminator is able to freeze and shatter the T with the liquid nitrogen, but, it re-liquefies itself and continues to pursue John. Ultimately, The Terminator is able to blast the T into a pool of molten steel and save John. Depending on how much damage the player inflicts at Cyberdyne, Judgment Day will either be averted or research at Cyberdyne will continue, allowing Judgment Day to possibly still happen.

The game utilizes a first-person perspective, like the rest of the games in the genre.


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