Events are run over several different distances which vary for men and women and at different international regattas, and include m , m and m with different combinations for men and women. Traditionally, Canoe events have been for men only, but this is slowly changing, and more women are entering the sport. However, there are currently no events for women in the major international regattas.
The international Canoe Federation has more information on these two sports which can be read here. While this page has Sprint Canoeing as its focus, the principles of The PEATS Program discussed here can also be applied to other canoeing disciplines including marathon canoe, slalom, surf ski, outrigger and dragon boats. Slalom, surf ski, outrigger and dragon boats have also been included, but to a lesser extent.
However, the work done with these other sports provides the confidence in the applicability of The PEATS Program to them, and in the ability of the Program to produce significant improvements in performance capacity.
With the exception of slalom canoeing, each of the disciplines can be part of a program utilizing Critical Power or Critical Speed Velocity. The difference between these two concepts is discussed in The PEATS Program eBook , but suffice it to say that the principal difference is in the testing mode that a coach wishes to use. If he wishes to test on-water, then he can apply Critical Speed. In the first several years of my work with elite paddlers in Australia, all of the work centred on Critical Power as testing was performed on an ergometer, the K1 Ergo.
Paddler requests to perform testing on-water provided us an opportunity to evaluate the two concepts during an in-house project where we ran the full testing procedure on the ergometer, followed by a full testing procedure on-water. At that time, athletes were using heart rate ranges to determine Training Intensity Levels, and we found very little difference in heart rate using the two methods.
This program is for those who have participated previously in a CanoeKids Summer Camp and want tolearn more about the sport of Sprint Canoe-Kayak. Athletes will learn and develop the FUNdamental skills for success in the sport, including: balance, propulsion and boat control. Practices are a minimum of twice per week and during the summer may be up to five 5 sessions per week.
A variety of activities will be presented on and off the water for skill development and team cohesion. To know what to train helps already a lot, but it is at least as important to know when to train the right thing and in what intensity. We can help you with kayak training online coaching if you need a Training Plan examples here. Personal Kayak Training Plans. Update 2 free kayak plans left.
After that period, you will be faster, for sure ;. Tell us what goals you want to achieve, how many times a week you are able to train, and we will make you a kayak plan according to your needs. If you have questions about paddles and boats, like which angle or length should a paddle should have, feel free to ask. Use the contact form here for the first contact. Skip to content If you want to increase your speed in your kayak, you have to do more than just kayaking. Update 2 free kayak plans left After that period, you will be faster, for sure ;.