Something stealing focus windows 7

Something only the OS can enforce. But I have no hopes of Windows ever fixing this. Its just too small a thing. Users getting annoyed?

Who cares! As an Architect the physical world type I've been looking for a solution for stealing focus for years. The design software we use takes minutes to load. Plus, there are third party add-ins that also load during this process stealing focus as each one loads within that minutes. Those minutes is valuable time to multitask, like responding to emails. It practically impossible to draft an email because of the stealing focus. There are roughly , licensed architects in the country opening this software times a day.

That's , hours a year of lost productivity due to this issue alone. I would like to thank MS for posting a completely useless and inaccurate answer then marking it solved when it was not. It is old and we're all used to it. But its still stupidly annoying, dangerous and bad.

How is it reasonable for a popup messagebox to steal keyboard focus while you are typing in another window? For example, you may be writing an email and hit Enter for a new line, and just at that moment there is a popup that says something like "do you want to delete everything? The solution is simple dear Microsoft.

Never steal keyboard focus. Even for a global modal dialog it is simple to solve, don't make the button active by default so the stray Enter keypress will have no effect. Please just fix it. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals.

Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Windows 10 General. Sign in to vote. Is there any way to stop applications from stealing focus?

Some other app steals focus after I complete my first word, but I carry on typing. My entire message after the first word is lost since I cant touch type and I was typing into some modal window : Am I the only one endlessly annoyed by windows just allowing any old app to steal focus while users are actively interacting with applications?

Monday, February 29, PM. Tuesday, March 1, AM. That is no solution. The onus should be on Windows, not on the user, to prevent badly-behaving applications from stealing window activation away from the user. Monday, July 4, PM. The only real solution would be logic built into the OS to prohibit an application from stealing activation away from the one the user is actually working with.

Thursday, July 21, PM. Thursday, August 25, AM. I have the same issue. It's so god damned annoying. Firefox does it a lot as well. Makes having mutli monitors with multiple different windows open useless. I wish there was a damn fix. Wednesday, August 31, PM. ZigZagx People shouldn't have to go looking for it themselves if they have already found this thread and want to sign the petition. The name of the petition is Stop Focus Stealing! Wednesday, November 2, AM. Exactly same problem.

I am very surprised it was not solved yet. May we have the Microsoft position on this? Regards, Roman. Saturday, December 24, AM. The finally drove me nuts tonight while I was trying to watch the Alien : Covenant trailer. Before pressing play I went to launch Photoshop to do some work. While i was watching the trailer, Photoshop kept popping up to the front. But it happens a LOT. I often switch programs and close the ones I'm not using to try to help system performance.

Then while working on something I'll have a need for another program so I'll load it and go back to what I was doing while it loads.

I'm usually met with minor frustration at focus from what I'm doing being directed at the newly loading application. Today I'd had enough and now I want this behavior stopped.

There HAS to be a way to load a program in the background so it doesn't interfere with what I'm currently doing. Wednesday, March 1, AM. I'd add that it's not just when typing something per your two scenarios. I'm trying to copy files by right-click or dragging and the other program steals focus then the files are trying to open or copy into the opening app This must be stopped!!

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the focused window lost focus. This was repeated several times. I also tried unplugging the mouse, and still a the focused window would lose focus. At this point I'm strongly considering a back up and reformat. McAfee antivirus will do it. The way I was able to find out what was doing it was to write a script that monitors what the app in focus was and logs to a file every time it switches and what process took focus.

This was for systems that are always supposed to have a specific process in the foreground though so it was easier to figure out. Hmm, that sounds like a possible solution. I'll have to see if I can write up something like that. I tried making a change suggested by a few different sites found through googling the problem.

I didn't notice a focus-steal while using my laptop for a few hours, but a new symptom has appeared. The mouse pointer will rapidly flicker back and forth from the normal arrow to a corrupted version of the "something's running in the background" arrow. Paul M wrote: McAfee antivirus will do it. Do you mind providing code? I did do this but it was disabled already, I downloaded process explorer and saw that a program pops up and then disapears too quickly for me to see what exactly it was.

I know this isn't an answer but "reply" was not working for me. This thread is the closest to a problem I've had on my win7 x64 machine for months.

Every Thursday - or the next time I start if not Thursday the machine will have regular spasms where everything looses focus for seconds then comes alive.

The mouse is stopped. Task manager is halted even process explorer is halted. In the process explorer charts it sometimes could be visible and sometimes is not just sat through one writing this watching PE and there was nothing when it came back - not CPU spike no IO spike, but TM did show the spike on 2 cores. Obviously this is some scheduled task but?????? Any suggestions how to trouble shoot. Thanks Lx. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.

Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. Please note: Do not post advertisements, offensive material, profanity, or personal attacks. Please remember to be considerate of other members. All submitted content is subject to our Terms Of Use. Hello Folks, I have googled my problem and have found multiple threads from people having the same problem as I am.

However, everyone keeps posting the same "solution", which is to use TweakUI and click "prevent applications from stealing focus". That doesn't fix the problem. The problem is this The reason I suspect it is a background process that is doing this is that if there happens to be multiple windows open and the active window loses focus, none of the other windows taskbar button will flash letting me know it has stolen the focus.

Is there any way to find out which process is stealing the focus, either with a program or otherwise? Please let me know if you need any further information. Share Flag. All Answers. Collapse -.


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