Sims 2 invalid serial code

Cheers, Nils View in thread. Message 13 of 27 10, Views. Reply 0. All Replies. July Hi! Have you tried it without the - between it? All in capslock? Message 2 of 27 11, Views.

July Yeah, tried it with and without the - and in caps and not in caps. Message 3 of 27 11, Views. July I am also having this problem and my advisor hasn't resolved the issue. Message 4 of 27 11, Views. July Ah right. So have you managed to get anything to work? Message 5 of 27 11, Views. Message 6 of 27 11, Views. September I am not using the Ultimate Collection code - I lost my disc for Sims 2 Apartment Life and have the original product code from the booklet I was the first and only user for it , but it says it is invalid.

Message 7 of 27 11, Views. August did this get solved for you? The same thing is happening to me now, and when I click on the link provided in this forum it says the page doesn't exist anymore ailidhhh wrote: I am wanting to redeem my serial code on origin for Sims 2 but every time I enter it, it says 'the product code you entered is invalid'. Message 8 of 27 11, Views. November Anyone ever help with this problem?

I am having the same issue. Message 9 of 27 10, Views. You can look on your account on www. Also, some few people have better luck registering through Origin, than through the official website. Last edited by cruinne ; 19 Jun, am. Originally posted by cruinne :. Glad that it did. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 19 Jun, am. Posts: 4. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.

This code is for the free limited edition and Origin exclusive store content. There are other letters that look similar. File a dispute to get your money back. If you still have your receipt, you can try if EA is willing to give you a new code. Despite the instructions, you no longer get your code via email, if you buy the download version through Origin,. The product code is the code you need for installation. If it shows up empty, hit refresh on Origin or log out and back in.


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