Whether you want to be a lone survivor man and battle the elements or just build some awesome stuff, this world is your oyster and can provide everything that a growing Minecraft player needs. If you want fair and balanced, forget Fox News, this Minecraft seed is where it's at.
Have you ever wanted to play Indiana Jones and wanted to be the cruel master of a peaceful settlement of villagers? If so, your bizarre dreams have come true in this Minecraft seed!
In this seed, you spawn near five villages and two desert temples, ready for you to pillage and plunder to your heart's desire. This one is something of an oddity; it has a jungle biome surrounded by a snow biome.
I don't know what the Minecraft gods were thinking when they dreamed this seed up, but who are we to question their ways? This seed also has a bunch of awesome animals spawns and some cave-dwelling villagers for you to hang out with and play sports games with.
That's what people are supposed to do with friends, right? These are some of the best Minecraft seeds for Xbox One. What other seeds have you found that should be added to this list? Let us know in the comments below, and check out our plethora of Minecraft seed lists hand-picked by our writers! Jeremy Barnes Contributor.
Published Aug. I'd suggest searching the boards of this game for some seed lists, I'm sure this question has been asked there multiple times. Also, the accepted answer to the same question asked in these Answers was "Try seed Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Whats are some good seeds for a flat land?
Answered Flat Seeds? Answered I need a seed that is mostly flat grass land but with some hills and caves and i couldn't find any? Answered How DO i set an xbox up to an old school phillips Flat screen tv? Modified 27 Mar Listicle. Flat Land Minecraft seeds! Also Read Article Continues below.
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