Radio communication book pdf

It is the Handbook -- written by radio amateurs for everyone with a desire to advance the pursuit of wireless technology. Key Topics. Who reads The Handbook?

Download Included: eBook and Supplemental Content Download the fully searchable digital edition of the printed book, plus expanded supplemental content, software, PC board templates, and other support files. Acrobat Reader is a free download at www. PDF files are Linux readable. Other included software is Windows compatible, only. Six-Volume Set: pages.

Softcover also available. Order from ARRL. First published in the RSGB Radio Communication Handbook remains a hugely valuable tool that helps you get the very best out of amateur radio. Some time after publication, the author discovered a mistake in his design in that the helical elements are all mounted with the feed point facing towards the centre of the array.

As a result, the phasing of the on-axis radiation from the elements will notionally be 0, 90, and degrees which reduces the overall gain and causes the main beam to squint off-axis. For maximum on-axis gain, the four elements must radiate in phase which requires all four feed points to have the same orientation, e. The author analysed the effects of the phasing error in an article published in Amsat Italia News but has not rebuilt the antenna.

The original article has been retained as it shows relevant calculations and useful constructional techniques for similar array designs.


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