Furthermore, it is unclear how many patient had progressing disease on study entry, despite this factor was stratified at randomisation. Firstly, the proliferative behaviour of NETs when lanreotide was stopped after 96 weeks.
Did the patients experience accelerated tumour growth or continuing tumour control? Secondly, did patients on placebo crossed over to octreotide LAR and did tumour achieve control with octroetide salvage? Thirdly, if eventually no overall survival advantage is demonstrated with lanreotide, does this PFS advantage matter? Both patients and clinicians will however need to decide whether this delay in radiographic disease progression is a worthwhile clinical gain.
Secondary endpoints were the percentage of patients who died or showed PD and safety. Computed tomography CT scans taken at baseline and at restaging timepoints throughout the study were centrally assessed. Overall, the therapy was observed to be well tolerated in the trial as well as at Levine Cancer Institute, since its inception, said Kadakia.
Moreover, updated data from the ASCO Annual Meeting seemed to favor Lutathera in terms of quality of life compared with high-dose octreotide. April 4, Caroline Seymour. Placebo-controlled, double-blind, prospective, randomized study on the effect of octreotide LAR in the control of tumor growth in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine midgut tumors: a report from the PROMID study group.
J Clin Oncol. After 6 months of treatment, stable disease was observed in Functionally active and inactive tumors responded similarly. The most favorable effect was observed in patients with low hepatic tumor load and resected primary tumor.
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