The above table is not comprehensive and you can add new sites to download additional packages from third-parties. The development tools will notify you with debug warnings if there is dependency that you need to address. The Android SDK Manager also enforces dependencies by requiring that you download any packages that are needed by those you have selected.
For example, a mobile carrier or device manufacturer might offer additional API libraries that are supported by their own Android-powered devices. In order to develop using their libraries, you must install their Android SDK add-on, if it's not already available under Third party Add-ons.
If a carrier or device manufacturer has hosted an SDK add-on repository file on their web site, follow these steps to add their site to the Android SDK Manager:. If you are using the Android SDK Manager to download packages and are encountering connection problems, try connecting over http, rather than https. About Android Legal Support. Quicknav Quicknav. Results Loading Setting Up Virtual Devices. Supports Unicode output.
Behavior change: tracewpp now converts all input text to Unicode, performs processing in Unicode, and converts output text to the specified output encoding. Earlier versions of tracewpp avoided Unicode conversions and performed text processing assuming a single-byte character set. This may lead to behavior changes in cases where the input files do not conform to the current code page.
Signing your apps. Device Guard signing is a Device Guard feature that is available in Microsoft Store for Business and Education, which allows enterprises to guarantee every app comes from a trusted source. See the documentation about Device Guard Signing. See Visual Studio Feedback. These versions include the required hot fixes version 3. If you encounter these issues, we recommend that you update your version of the SDK as soon as possible to avoid them: Resolved unpredictable and hard to diagnose crashes when linking both umbrella libraries and native OS libraries for example, onecoreuap.
Downloads and tools Get the latest editions of Visual Studio and Windows 10 development tools. Windows blog Stay in touch with the latest SDK flights by subscribing to our blog. I'm using Visual Studio I've written a very simple game as a Win32 console program for test purposes which I later plan to make into a full-blown windows ap.
When I build the source, it makes an executable file for the program in the Debug folder. When I doubleclick this file, the program runs fine. However, when I try to run this item on a different computer, it doesn't. Instead, I get an error message reporting that the configuration is incorrect.
Exact message : "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Can anyone shed some light on what I'm not doing right?
A rewrite of the old legacy software "depends. Dependencies is a rewrite of the legacy software Dependency Walker which was shipped along Windows SDKs, but whose development stopped around Dependencies can help Windows developers troubleshooting their dll load dependencies issues.
Dependencies is currently shipped as two binaries no installer present : Dependencies. Just click on one of the release numbers above preferably the latest , download and uncompress the archive and run DependenciesGui. Since the binary is not signed, SmartScreen might scream at runtime. Dependencies also bundle ClrPhTester. Dependencies currently does not recursively resolve child imports when parsing a new PE since it can be really memory-hungry to do so it can over a GB even for "simple" PEs.
At the moment, Dependencies recreates features and "features" of depends. Building is pretty straightforward. The only caveat is you need to select the "Debug" or "Release" configuration and "x64" or "x86" platform which may not be the default. Skip to content. Star 4. MIT License.