Opensuse which package provides file

Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. To search from all available packages to find a particular file, you can use the option wp or se --provides --match-exact as an example: zypper se --provides --match-exact hg You will see output similiar to the following: Loading repository data Reading installed packages Improve this answer. SailorCire SailorCire 2, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 23 23 bronze badges.

This is not always reliable. I don't know why but file names such as zypper search --provides [--match-exact] getenforce do not return results, while zypper search --provides nslookup does. I believe that provides are symbolic and set manually by the packager, but I don't know much about how openSUSE creates packages. As such, they don't necessarily reflect package file contents. Can you please be a little more specific about the scout tool? Can you give its' complete name or URL to its' code?

SebMa It was downloadable from rpm, probably by zypper. It is possible, that it was in a non-standard repo. I can't remember very well :- I don't use SuSE any more.

But it is quite possible that I will be, then I will check it and explain what I found. It is possible, that SuSE has changed a lot since then. SebMa Googling for "scout tool rpm" I found this link on the spot, in the current moment I can't help more. Probably you will need to install it from some non-standard repository. On the link you've provided, it says : "Scout is an interface to Tomboy notes or Gnote that uses DBus to communicate. Show 1 more comment. Downloads Support Community Development.

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Join Date Nov Posts 6. I've tried "zypper wp" and "zypper se --provides", but it seems quite finicky. Re: Find package that provides file Hi Subtle difference between a package and a file in a package; Code:. Re: Find package that provides file Thanks for for the reply. If autorefresh is enabled for a repository, you don't need to worry about refreshing, it happens automatically when needed. However, some people prefer to be in control when the refresh takes place e.

See man zypper for more details. This command is currently only able to change the alias of the repository. If you wish to change the displayed name of the repository, take a look at the mr command. Keep the aliases short and simple for an easy use as arguments of commands and --repo options.

Using an alias is safer than using repo number since that may change and you can easily make a mistake and easier than using URI since they are long, leaving you with copy-and-paste. You can export your complete repository list to a file and import it later or on another machine. Services are one level above repositories and serves to manage repositories. Libzypp actually support only one type of services, the Repository index service also known as RIS.

The first time a service is refreshed, the repositories must be enabled by the command zypper mr -e -a. The remove command is very much like the install command, except that the effect is the opposite :O. The following commands update packages with their newer available versions.

See also Update Management for more information. By default, the search command looks for packages of any type, status or repository, having names containing specified string compares case-insensitively :. The letter "i" in column one 1 ; states that the package is already installed on the local machine.

The letter "i" in column one 1 ; states that the software selected is already installed on the local machine, while the letter "v" in column one 1 ; states that there are other versions of the product installed on the local machine. The subcommand what-provides is deprecated.

It is replaced by search --provides --match-exact. This command is similar to rpm -q --whatprovides firefox , but rpm is only able to query the RPM database database of the installed packages. Zypper, on the other hand, will tell you about providers of the capability from any repository, not only the installed ones.

Commands patches , packages , patterns , and products are similar to search -s -t [patch,package,pattern,product] , except that they display some additional information specific to the corresponding package type. Commands list-updates and patch-check are discussed in Update Management. Package locks serve the purpose of preventing changes to the packages on the system. Packages matching an active lock can't change their installed status; installed packages can't be removed or upgraded, packages not yet installed can't be installed.

You can manipulate the locks also by directly editing the locks file. You may occasionally end up with a broken system when it comes to package dependencies. If some of your applications fails to start with a message indicating that it misses something, this is something for zypper to check:. This command finds and installs newly added recommended packages for packages you have already installed.

This provides an easy way to get new language bundles for your software or drivers for newly added hardware. There are two approaches to keeping your system up to date. One is patch-wise , the second is package-wise. The patch-wise approach is particularly useful for people using stable releases and want update their systems with patches released through online update repositories.

Update repositories are added by default during installation or upgrade of the system, or they can be added via Online Update Configuration from the Software tab in YaST Control Center , or manually using zypper.

Here is the list of available openSUSE update repositories.


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