Neil young canterbury rapidshare

And so, they need to be reached. Lots of possibilities, here. But they all come down to this question: How do the fans on the periphery of hardcore Neil fandom get to hear about what's happening on the inside? Because if people don't know a party is happening, then they won't attend!

And if the fans already on the inside aren't given an easy, efficient way e. Is this a fair appraisal of the situation? Your thoughts, please. Excessive spending is optional. And if the cover band that plays at my local pub can run a marginally profitable website, then it shouldn't be too tricky for one of the world's most skilled performers. PPS My apologies for not been around much in recent months. My output here at TW will remain limited for now, but it will become the only place I contribute anything at all about Neil's music for the foreseeable future.

Until someone re-invents the day to have more than 24 hours. Meanwhile, a few assorted greetings: A note to Harm: fantastic work on the concerts. Sorry I haven't been in touch directly. A note to Eric: I hope you are very well, keeper of the shrunken pineapple!

A note to Thrasher and all here at TW: the comment section here remains the foremost blog for the most intelligent, value-packed, passionate-and-animated-but-ultimately-good-natured discussion of Neil's projects. I appreciate reading the wildly differing opinions and viewpoints here. Thank you all for your contributions. This is a great show. I'd also spotted that the other sets are listed as 'coming soon' I think it's the 3rd set that has Down to the Wire, which I am especially looking forward to hearing.

Another undesired and strange consequent of technology, ironic in its way of creating a form of isolation. I don't understand why Rolling Stone does not have more about the archives. I recently saw a long segment on 60 minutes about Prince and his archive or "vault" but Neil does not get the same attention. Uncut might also help the situation, they seem to be more aware of Neil's depth and breadth- Rolling Stone is a bit of a joke now.

The media prefers dead artists apparently. Just tried to listen to the new Timeline concert and it keeps freezing up open me. I'll try again later I think the direct reach of the Media itself might not be so important, nowadays, compared to fan-driven word-of-mouth. But the thing about articles in Rolling Stone, Uncut, etc is that they provide a container for ideas that fans can easily share and discuss with others online.

The same goes for official or fan-made YouTube videos, or blog articles like the ones we are commenting on right now. Whereas most things on the NYA site itself are either difficult to share a link to, not available on mobile, or are behind a wall. So I think the air of mystery and sense of discovery at NYA is to the site's credit. But what's not so good is that it's not easy to invite someone along to the party that's happening at NYA, once we ourselves have discovered it. Even as a passionate Neil Young fan myself, I've only discovered half of these fantastic concerts days or weeks after they've been uploaded.

I for one would have been quite happy for NYA to send me a friendly, non-sales-y e-mail newsletter, just telling me about the new additions. In the meantime, though, word-of-mouth works wonders. But it has be encouraged, and made easy. I respectfully disagree, prince deserves that attention and should not be thrashed. Neil young gets great publicity. Unfortunately, I am not much use in word of mouth.

I am technologically out of touch except for my professional life. I am not in the archives so much, but instead listen to full CDs, just finished a listening binge of Broken Arrow and Sleeps with Angels. I am happy to take suggestions for how I might help with the Scotzman problem sorry for using the "s" and not a z. I struggle and need help from my students to keep up with the recent technology.

I agree that Prince should get attention, never meant otherwise. I think Neil has always been in the background and he is a giant. I remember him saying "I have always felt like this little guy. His persistence in staying on the fringe of popular music is part of this, the other past is the difficulty of some of his best work.

It is very much like what happens in fiction writing. Some of the very best writers are marginalized as they do not fit into the more commercial markets. I mean, Americana? This was the middle finger to everything commercial, God bless him. The Concert for Bangladesh…. Happy Birthday to Jerry Garcia. Scotsman - it's great to see you again like a long lost friend that we've never seen. The Music Saved Our Lives Great news indeed. Harm: Thanks for the greeting, and apologies again for not being in touch.

No excuses, I've just been busy and have fallen behind with all things musical. I'll get back to keeping up-to-date with the threads at SHF. Set 2, great stuff. Future L. Clearly to my ears, the first set was just the warm-up for the 80 minute second set that sounds as good as anything on the first two sides of "Four Way Street. So curious now about the third set During the show, NY talked about how it was being recorded for an album.

I wonder why that never came out at the time. Thanks for the fix. Who knows why it never came out. Perhaps it got put on the backburner due to his CSNY work, which was probably picking up around then.

Based on all the old shows that have been released the last 10 years or so he seems to have quite a backlog built up. Yeah, maybe the record company didn't want the CSNY album to compete with a Neil Young live album, or something like that. But there's a bunch of good songs he had that he clearly wanted to do something with, but didn't. I think he also came very close to releasing another Crazy Horse album where he would have only sung a few songs with Danny Whitten singing others, but that didn't happen either.

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