Nasa wish stem program

This year, NASA is offering an incredible opportunity for girls like me to pursue their passion for space exploration. This looks like an amazing opportunity! I hope lots of high school junior girls take advantage of this great program!

The program will consist of online forums that focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM topics.

Many of the online lessons explore past, present and future space exploration. At that incredible experience, participants will work with mentors to design a mission to Mars, present their mission to NASA personnel and community leaders and interact with NASA female role models as well as other scientists and engineers in order to learn more about STEM careers.

Applications, which are due on January 3 rd , are open to female U. These one-year fellowships are renewable in one-year increments, for up to three years. Learn more about applying for an NPP Fellowship.

For high school and college students interested in pursuing internship and research fellowships, check out the opportunities at NASA on OSSI, our one-stop shopping initiative. Next-gen tools for the next generation of scientists. Each year 10 Bay Area juniors and seniors have the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge omics research using open science data on GeneLab. Over the course of three weeks, NASA scientists mentor high school students as they come up with a hypothesis, analyze GeneLab databases, and research the results.

Students gain invaluable experience performing real science while collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes, using methods including computational biology and bioinformatics. After earning their bachelors degree, and prior to enrolling in a Masters program, students have the opportunity to perform guided research with NASA scientists, acquire real-world lab experience, contribute to published research, and earn publication citations.

It takes a bold vision to turn the idea of space settlement into a reality. Each year NASA sponsors a Space Settlement Contest for students from around the world to develop their ideas for space settlement designs.

For more information about educational opportunities ranging from internships for college undergraduates to postdoctoral fellowships, visit the Space Biosciences education page.

Space Experiments. Space Biology Physical Sciences.


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