That will keep all the lines in the same paragraph, and make it easier to indent them or change their vertical position.
Select the text. Right-click to show the shortcut menu, and then choose the formatting and alignment options you want. Under Print , leave the default selected, Full page of the same label. Now you can print your business cards by clicking Print be sure to load your business card cardstock into the printer first.
Or you can click New Document and then save your business cards for printing later. At Microsoft, we believe that the cloud will power the work of the future. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful?
Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? Browse the entire collection to see what works for you. Business cards. Explore premium templates Bring your ideas to life with more customizable templates and new creative options when you subscribe to Microsoft Eighties business cards. Pinstripes business cards. Geometric business cards. Explore premium templates. Rose suite business cards. Financial business card 10 per page. If the business card template has a placeholder logo, you can click it to replace it with your own.
Make sure that you resize your logo so that it fits, and that it doesn't look bad when the size has been changed. Make absolutely sure that your business cards do not have any typos or other mistakes. Your business card is one of the first impressions people will have of you, so you don't want to start off on the wrong foot. Print the cards on stock, or send the file to a printer.
If you're going to be printing the cards at home, you'll need high quality stock paper. Stick to white or off-white, and pick your finish. Most business cards don't have a finish, but some people prefer a glossier card. Many print shops will be able to open your saved business card template and print them for you as well.
When purchasing paper, make sure that your printer at home can handle it. Check your printer's documentation or support site for details on the type of paper that it supports. Use a precision cutting tool to finish the cards. Once the cards are printed, you'll need to cut the sheet up.
Each sheet will typically have ten cards on it. Don't use scissors or other methods of cutting that rely on you keeping a straight line. Instead, use a paper guillotine or precision paper cutter. Many print shops have these tools available for customers, or can do the cutting for you. Tip: The standard US business card size is 3. Method 2. Create a new blank document. If you'd prefer to create your business card yourself, you can use the Table tool to make it easier.
Click the "Page Layout" tab and click the "Margins" button. Select "Narrow" to make the margins a little smaller than the default setting. This will allow you to fit the business cards on the page. Click the "Insert" tab and then click the "Table" button. A grid will appear beneath the Table button. Create a 2 x 5 table. Use the grid to insert a table that is two cells wide and five cells high.
Right-click on the table's selection crosshair and select "Table Properties". This will open the Table Properties window. The selection crosshair appear in the upper-left corner of the table when you hover over it. Set the alignment of the table to Center.
This will make it easier to make the cards even. Click the "Row" tab and check the "Specify height" box. Enter 2" and change the drop-down menu to "Exactly". Click the "Column" tab and check the "Specify width" box. Enter 3.
Examine your table. You should now have a table on your page that is separated into ten identical business card-sized cells. If the table doesn't fit, you may have to extend your bottom margin by a tenth of an inch. Right-click the crosshair again and select AutoFit. Choose "Fixed column width".