Then, I would use PA to get the array string from the sharepoint item. That would limit the hits to that URL if you have a lot of users. Thanks for the tips! I thought the Response action was necessary but it works fine without it, storing the fields in a SharePoint list.
I wanted to display our current stock price on the home page of our intranet in a web part, so I thought I'd just get the stock price in the background and then have the web part display the latest result it doesn't need to be realtime. I also thought I might be able to trigger some notifications based on the stock price. For realtime, they have partnered with another provider which charges a fee.
If anyone else knows of a free or cheap stock quote source NYSE at least. Please post it here! Just a thought - I would try to use the Stocks function in Excel choose a symbol and it should automatically add the right values: high, low etc.
I'm using their free plan and therefore only pulling stock data every 20 minutes while the NYSE is open. I only pull a very small subset of all the data that's available and store it in a SharePoint list.
The List web part is pointed to a view that only shows the newest line in the list. Seems to be working well. Skip to main content. Power Apps. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. All posts Previous Topic Next Topic. Any ideas? Labels: Labels: General Questions. Message 1 of Accepted Solutions. RusselThomas Microsoft. Everyone's tags 2 : api.
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