Healthcare and Life Sciences. Internet of Things IoT. Enabling Remote Work. Small and Medium Business. Humans of IT. Green Tech. MVP Award Program. Video Hub Azure.
Data is these modules is populated when the associated flows are executed: Module Description Subscriptions Displays details of the subscriptions in Exchange Server. Data is populated in this module when the Create Subscriptions and Renew Subscriptions subflows are executed.
Events Displays details of the events in Exchange Server. Event Attendees Displays details of the event attendees in the events. Subscription to Events Mapping Displays details of the subscriptions and events. Pull From Subscriptions. Uses the Look up Items From Subscription ID subflow to periodically retrieve the modified items in an active subscription and saves the details in the ServiceNow instance.
Renew Subscription. Uses the Renew Subscription subflow to renew subscription. Saves the details of the modified items in a subscription to the Event to Subscription Mapping table. Create Subscription. Creates a subscription for the specified mailbox and adds it to the Subscription table.
Renews a subscription for the given mailbox. Address List Management. Creates a new address list in Exchange Server using the Included Recipients field. Creates a new address list in Exchange Server using the Recipient field. Delete Address List.
Deletes the required address list on a required Exchange Server. Get Address List Details. Retrieves the details of a required address list on a required Exchange Server. Look Up Address List. Retrieves the address list details on a required Exchange Server using a search query. Look up Address List Details. Retrieves details of the specified address list by identity.
Move Address List. Moves an address list to another location in the address hierarchy. Synchronize Address List. Refreshes email clients with the latest details, for a required address list in Exchange Server. Updates details and recipients of a required address list using a the Included Recipients field. Updates details and recipients of a required address list details using the Recipient Filter field. Mailbox Management. The VNet acts as a central point of connectivity to your on-premises network.
The spokes are VNets that peer with the hub, and can be used to isolate workloads. Traffic flows between the on-premises datacenter and the hub through an ExpressRoute or VPN gateway connection. The following image demonstrates the components in a hub and spoke topology:. A hub and spoke network topology is a way to isolate workloads while sharing common services. The hub is a VNet that acts as a central connection point to an on-premises network. Here are some benefits of the hub and spoke network topology:.
As you work through each article in this series, various components are defined in distinct Terraform scripts. The demo architecture created and deployed consists of the following components:. On-premises network. A private local-area network running with an organization. For hub and spoke reference architecture, a VNet in Azure is used to simulate an on-premises network. Look up Out of Office Settings. Retrieves the details of the out of office settings for the specified recipients.
Look up Time Zones. Retrieves details of all the available time zones. Update Calendar Event. Updates the properties of an event object.
Mail Management. Delete Message. Deletes the message in user's inbox or from a custom folder. Retrieves all the mail folders for a specified User ID. Retrieves all the messages in a mail folder. Retrieves all the messages in the inbox folder of the user. Send Mail. Sends an email with the message subject and message body to the specified list of recipients. Set Mailbox Auto Reply. Metadata Retrieval. Look up Time Zones Metadata.
Retrieves the metadata of all available time zones. Look up Rooms Metadata. Retrieves the metadata of rooms. Look up Rooms Stream - Room Management. Retrieves the metadata of the rooms stream. Webhook Management. Look up Subscription by ID. Retrieves details of the webhook subscription for the specified ID. Look up Subscriptions Stream. Retrieves details of all webhook subscriptions.
Renew Webhook Subscription. Renews the subscription of the specified webhook. Subscribe Webhook. Creates a webhook subscription for the specified resource. Unsubscribe Webhook. Deletes the specified webhook subscription. Mailbox Management. Create MailBox. Creates mailboxes and user accounts simultaneously. Delete MailBox. Deletes or disables mailboxes and user accounts simultaneously.