J2eetutorial /examples/src/ejb/converter

Sometimes you cannot simply port EAR archives. How do you proceed? A: These instructions are valid at least for the 3. I presume that you have created the original files following Sun's instructions. Some Sun specific files do not seem to harm, but to be prudent you could remove them. The Converter sample is more tricky. This is due to the fact that all of the deployment information has not been defined in the J2EE specification and therefore is vendor specific. For more information about asant , see Building the Examples.

Note: When compiling the code, the preceding asant task includes the j2ee. If you plan to use other tools to compile the source code for J2EE components, make sure that the classpath includes the j2ee. To package an enterprise bean, you run the Edit Enterprise Bean wizard of the deploytool utility. During this process, the wizard performs the following tasks:. The wizard displays the following dialog boxes. Coding the bean's interfaces and class the source code is provided. Remote interface.

EJBObject; import java. However, occasionally I was seeing the application crash the entire Windows operating system app freezes with no GUI updates, have to manually kill the Java.

I do not know if this was "fixed" in the JVM and the above problem is something new, or if the JVM is now more robust and is catching these native exceptions JTable model ; table. BorderLayout ; this. NORTH ; this. Unknown column! SNN; else return People[row]. SNN; case 1: if People[row].

Font "Arial", java. PLAIN, 12 ; private java. BOLD, 12 ; private java. Component getTableCellRendererComponent javax.

For example all compiling paths include special libraries, like the j2ee library weblogic. The source path should point to the folder where the source files are, etc.

Do you get any compile errors? Then you better post them as well. So far my understanding is that you are not able to run ant. Compiling your EJBs is not much of a deal.

The appc tool on the other hand is a much better tool, because it does a lot of extra things like compiling jsp for example and can validate your deployment descriptors as well. It would be better for you to get a working example from bea see the build. It might save you a lot of time and frustration though. Thank you so much Valentine,finally I managed to compile the ejb and dploy it.

I changed all the classpath and it worked out. You're very welcome Rajesh. Don't get me started about those stupid light bulbs.


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