Intelligence reframed pdf

The book is outdated and is not a good source of up-to-date information. While the multiple intelligences theory is a significant advancement towards Only half of the book Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century is dedicated directly to exploring the theory of multiple intelligences with its nuances, the rest of the book is about miscellaneous topics.

While the multiple intelligences theory is a significant advancement towards a multilineal view of human development, it lacks a distinctively developmental view. Gardner fails to mention any stages of development of a particular intelligence, even though he is well aware of the works of such developmentalists as Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg.

There are obvious developmental limitations of the book itself. Dec 12, Arjun rated it really liked it. No two people are the same. But in this book, exploration of the word through the lines of how it had been used, what makes the meanin No two people are the same. In contrast, the author also gives recommendations and often solutions to problems that have become evident in the current age. Jun 29, Laynibus Vandersex rated it liked it.

Starts off well, but he loses steam in the middle and begins repeating himself a lot. The idea is worth considering, especially as an educator, but he wanders and loses sight of the potential the core idea has for pedagogical practice.

Excelente tema, magnifico libro. Aug 11, Brian rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed his reflections on how MI has grown over the years v. Aug 05, Eric added it. Jotting down key ideas: Expand the notion of intelligence. Don't distinguish between intelligence and talent say, musical talent.

It's either all intelligences or all talents. On the other hand, and I like this! Also do not take intelligence to be a value judgement. Hitler had great interpersonal intelligence, but it sure didn't make him a great guy.

Cf Emotional Intelligence, whic Jotting down key ideas: Expand the notion of intelligence. Nice and careful.

Seven intelligences plus one: linguistic, logical-mathematical, naturalist [new! No, having kids crawl around isn't developing bodily-kinesthetic. You're missing the point completely he says all too politely. Idea: teach to all intelligences, show the 8 aspects of the same thing. Goal of education: enable understanding of important issues I would add, enable understanding of future issues we haven't faced yet Aug 25, Arjun Saravanan rated it really liked it.

Nov 13, Emily added it Shelves: nonfiction , social-stuff. Feeling that traditional IQ tests and other standardized aptitude tests limited what we could term "intelligence", the author sets out to expand our ideas of inherent individual gifts.

His list in this book includes linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential.

The book doesn't go into specific ways to measure these aptitudes, but rather talks about ways that they can be recognized in a larger context and, when Feeling that traditional IQ tests and other standardized aptitude tests limited what we could term "intelligence", the author sets out to expand our ideas of inherent individual gifts. The book doesn't go into specific ways to measure these aptitudes, but rather talks about ways that they can be recognized in a larger context and, when supported, can be used to enable greater understanding in education and perhaps even greater success in the workplace.

The audience is clearly academics or others interested in the broader theory, since there isn't a lot of practical application to individuals. He does deal with the pedagogical implications in some detail, which left me grateful for my fairly unconventional education.

Jan 09, Holmes rated it it was amazing. This book on multiple intelligences is intelligent indeed. Gardner not only explains should really be "re-explains" his theory lucidly and thoroughly, but also does it in a responsible way. What I like most about this book is Gardner's conscience and humility - apart from advocating his theory which is perfectly justifiable due to the amount of empirical evidence and intuitive logic , he also cautions against misinterpreting or abusing the notion of multiple intelligences, points out the dire This book on multiple intelligences is intelligent indeed.

What I like most about this book is Gardner's conscience and humility - apart from advocating his theory which is perfectly justifiable due to the amount of empirical evidence and intuitive logic , he also cautions against misinterpreting or abusing the notion of multiple intelligences, points out the direction for further research, and admits the shortcomings of his own theory.

This book is a must-read for all people involved in the field of education, be they teachers, policy-makers or test-setters. Jul 09, Libromagno. Libro altamente recomendado. Jan 09, Alice rated it really liked it Recommends it for: psychology students, parents of special needs children.

Howard Gardener's theory is interesting though I feel biased by his own proficiency with music , though unfortunately limited by his unwillingness to develop tests of intelligence for this theory. There have been some attempts to create new intelligence tests for the theory by other individuals.

They tend to be more difficult to grade than the average scantron, and require special training to score. Still, I think that would be more worthwhile than the training required for the No Child Left Be Howard Gardener's theory is interesting though I feel biased by his own proficiency with music , though unfortunately limited by his unwillingness to develop tests of intelligence for this theory.

Still, I think that would be more worthwhile than the training required for the No Child Left Behind act, as it would most likely increase awareness of different learning styles in children through additional training.

Just my 2 cents though. Jun 05, Jennifer rated it liked it. I was familiar with Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, and it was helpful to get more background and explanation from Gardner himself. Chapter 9, "Multiple Intelligences in the Schools," chapter 10, "Multiple Approaches to Understanding," and chapter 11, "Multiple Intelligences in the Wider World," discuss ways to apply the theory of multiple intelligences.

Chapter 12, "Who Owns Intelligence? However, since he has not been able to find the part of the brain dedicated to dealing with such questions, he is hesitant to add it to the list.

Gardner proceeds in chapters 6 and 7 to address some of the questions, controversies, and criticisms of his ideas. For example, some traditionalists have taken issue with the theory of multiple intelligences because they feel it represents an excuse for lower academic standards.

Gardner admits that there may be schools where the misapplication of his theory is proving his critics right. Nevertheless, the mastery of basic skills must always be placed at the center of education, he insists. Skip to main content. Resource Summary In this book, Howard Gardner describes how the theory of multiple intelligences has evolved and been revised since its introduction in Multiple Intelligences.

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