Configuration is about identical to American 2nd Model. Markings on this revolver are distinct. Caliber for which it is chambered,. Approximately 20, Russian-Contract revolvers.
They are marked in Russian Cyrillic letters. Russian double-headed eagle stamped on rear portion of barrel, with inspector's marks underneath it. All contract guns have 8" barrels and lanyard swivels on the butt. These are rarely encountered, as most were shipped to Russia. Commercial run of this model numbered approximately 4, Barrels are stamped in English and include the words "Russian Model".
Some are found with 6" and 7" barrels, as well as standard 8". There were also revolvers that were rejected from the Russian contract series and sold on the commercial market. Some of these are marked in English; some, Cyrillic. Some have the Cyrillic markings ground off and English restamped.
Manufactured from to This revolver was known as "Old Model Russian". This is a complicated model to understand as there are many variations within the model designation.
Serial numbering is quite complex as well and values vary due to relatively minor model differences. Before purchasing this model, it would be advisable to read reference materials solely devoted to this firearm. Chambered for. It has a 7" barrel and a round butt featuring a projection on the frame that fits into the thumb web.
Grips are walnut and finish blue or nickel-plated. Triggerguard has a reverse curved spur on the bottom. Approximately 85, manufactured between and Factory referred to this model as Model of or Cavalry Model. Barrel is 6. Grips are walnut and finish blue or nickel plated. Most notable differences in appearance between this model and 2nd Model are shorter extractor housing under the barrel and integral front sight blade instead of pinned-on one found on previous models.
These and other variations impact values. Approximately 60, manufactured between and Cyrillic markings; lanyard swivel on butt. Made from altered centerfire frames from regular commercial serial number range. Use caution with this model.
Five thousand made between serial number range. Japanese naval insignia, an anchor over two wavy lines, found on butt. Barrel is Japanese proofed and words "Jan. Similar to the 1st Model Schofield with most noticeable differences being circles on each side of the frame-mounted latch, and serial number range.
The vast majority were military issue, and are "US" marked on butt. In total, Civilian Models were made, but despite their relative rarity they bring about the same value as the more common U. Serial range Circa Beware of fake markings. San Francisco Police — Some Schofields are found with large 2- or 3-digit numbers stamped near the top of the backstrap. They will bring a slight premium.
Civilian Models — See comments at 1st and 2nd Model Schofield listings above. At that point, they were substituted with. Today, the Pocket Hammerless is manufactured by U. Armament, and is licensed by Colt. This pistol is actually fired by action of a hammer striking and driving a firing pin into a center-fire cartridge's primer.
The hammer is covered by the rear of the slide. The 'hammerless' designation was merely an advertising designation pointing out the pistol's particular suitability for concealed carry. Special features include a serrated slide to prevent slippage during manual cycling of the slide and two safety mechanisms a grip safety and a manual safety.
The grip safety is a spring-loaded piece making up the back strap of the pistol. The grip safety, though not solely restricted to them, was a typical feature of Colt automatic pistols. A magazine safety was added on later models; this feature prevents the pistol from being fired with a round in the chamber and the magazine removed.
In , a. Called the Model , it is nearly identical to the Model except for the bore diameter and the magazine, which hold seven rounds one less than the Model Grip panels are black checked hard rubber, checked walnut, or special order materials ivory, mother of pearl, inset medallion.
Metal finish is blued or nickel, and some special-order finishes such as engraved, silver- or gold-plated. Redirected from Browning Model Americana Model. A — A Charles Daly Model. CD — CD DU Guide Gun for Canadian chapters. DU Guide Gun for U. Genoa Centennial Commemorative. King Ferry Special.