Good software for learning typing

It helps you understand how to change these habits too within the videos. This is best if you love improving step by step. All of the lessons are adaptable to your skills. You can train with more than eBooks but also create or import your own lessons.

Excellent Interface — Typesy is one of the few typing tutors on the market that has a clean, modern and polished interface. With its new cloud-based version, users can access the software from anywhere in the world and always practice with the latest update.

If you start an activity on a Mac or Windows PC and proceed on a computer with a different system, your results and data will be synced automatically. Its lean interface design and plenty of exercises are a great way to keep yourself busy while learning to increase your typing speed and accuracy.

It is also one of the best typing software on the market as it comes with the largest video database. Every lesson is clearly explained with the help of an on-screen trainer. This makes learning so much easier and more engaging. Students will also get a certificate upon completion. Try 7 days free. Homeschool Version — Suitable for parents teaching children in a homeschool environment. It offers the same administration, reporting, and monitoring features as the typing program and curriculum for schools and universities.

The Bett Finalist is widely used by individuals and businesses as well as in schools, universities, organizations and governments. The uniqueness of this typing software is that it will teach you to touch type within 90 minutes and uses the Accelerated Learning Method for best results and training.

It is widely recognized as one of the most advanced teaching and learning methods available. Accelerated Learning Method — KAZ Typing was scientifically researched and included brain tests to test the effectiveness of this method. More than 18, people were tested before the initial launch.

Studies concluded that it was successful among most of the students. Using a patented method of 11 words in 5 easily remembered phrases, most learned how to type in less than 1.

Hearing the words, seeing them on screen and typing it on the keyboard enhances and speeds up the learning process. It does this by training the fingers on the left and right hand to work in symmetry together and also to learn the keyboard from A to Z. You can set the keyboard to either the U. Individual learners may find the Home Edition Adult, Junior, Family 5 users the most suitable option to get started.

Verdict — KAZ is an effective and easy to use typing program thanks to its minute keyboarding concept, accelerated learning techniques and customized versions to target various audiences.

It is one of the best typing software on the market for individual learners, businesses, educational organizations and homeschooling. Typing Instructor Web visit website is online typing software for schools, businesses, governments, individuals and families that follows the principles of national keyboarding standards.

Powered by Individual Software Inc. It is available in English and Spanish. Lessons — There are over 20 typing courses available focusing on a certain type of key on the keyboard, be it a letter, number or punctuation. Exercises are conducted that reinforce correct movements when pressing the relevant keys by on-screen prompts and audio guidance. Any incorrect entries will flash red and have to be re-entered.

Suitable for teachers — As a teacher, you can log into a unique server to gather results for each and every student under your guidance.

Admins can also monitor each registered student. You get feedback on exercises they complete and live updates of what they are doing inside this typing program. Versions — Apart from the classic web edition, there are three other versions of the software available. The Platinum edition includes the travel theme, whereas the Kids license includes customized activities, graphics, and games for kids.

Things to consider — The customization options are once again limited for Typing Instructor Web. Verdict — Typing Instructor Web is one of the best typing software online, however, tutors such as Typesy or KAZ are also cloud-based and provide more sophisticated features. Whilst more personalization would perhaps help make users connect more with the product, you still get an excellent typing program and results.

Visit website. KAZ is one of a few companies to offer a separate Dyslexia edition even though there is a significant number of children and adults suffering from dyslexia.

Overview — This edition is suitable for individuals, schools and institutions alike and helps improve coordination and avoid work overload. Furthermore, it will reduce the impact of visual stress, for example, headaches, rotating and flipping letters or blurring. Unique Preference Screen — At the core, there is a Unique Preference Screen which allows you to individually set the font color contrast , font size, typeface with 2 licensed dyslexia fonts and filter color.

The latter will help minimize blurring, reduce white screen glare and stabilize letter movement. Junior Dyslexia Edition — A version is also available for young students aged It includes the same teaching method and preference screen, however, vocabulary, imagery and animations have been adapted to this age group.

Family Dyslexia Edition — If there are both children and adults who could benefit from learning with a dyslexia edition, the Family software license includes both versions and 5 user accounts. Non-dyslexic family members can also learn to type with this edition by simply using the default settings.

It sports all features of the core typing tutor. Download version for Mac and Windows available. Mavis Beacon has partnered with Broderbund to deliver a typing course that is highly personable and objective-based, meaning that once an objective is reached only then can you progress to the next one.

With so many exercises provided in a single package, the instructor is great for teaching anyone how to type fast. Mavis Beacon is ideal for anyone from children to the elderly and comes in three different versions for individuals, family and kids. Progressive lessons — One of the best features is that each of its typing lessons is guaranteed to improve your skills. It does so by giving you a minimum score to reach with each lesson. If you fail to reach the minimum score required, you will be asked to repeat the unit.

The lessons also become increasingly tough as you pass them. Teaching Methods — Focusing initially on finger-to-key instruction, enforcing correct placement, it starts to focus upon chaining keystrokes together before moving onto chained sentences and paragraphs, all designed to improve your speed and accuracy.

Good posture is also central to the Mavis Beacon typing program. Customizable lessons — It allows users to create a customized training module. Users can pick the games and exercises they want. This helps them target their weakest areas to improve them. Feedback, Monitoring — There is a good level of feedback, with detailed statistics available for all aspects of your typing skills.

Mavis Beacon will suggest suitable activities to strengthen your weakest areas. It regularly gives visual prompts as to where your hands should be on screen, allowing you to mimic these positions. Mavis Beacon Family — Up to 8 users can be registered with the Family account of this typing program, meaning the whole family and a few extended relatives can all experience the benefits of advanced typing. Mavis Beacon Personal — The Personal Edition employs the same learning techniques as the Family Edition, there are however fewer typing exercises as opposed to as some more children-orientated ones are left out between versions.

The whole experience feels much less customizable in comparison and every user is subjected to the same teaching methods. However, we love the set structure of the software and the fact that it has so many exercises that you can never run out of options.

This is still one of the best typing programs if you like practicing your skills using several different lessons. It offers a wide variety of educational drills and entertaining games alongside general hints and tips, enhancing both its usability and longevity. An excellent progress tracking system will also make it easy for you to get the best out of the lessons provided. There are different versions for home, schools and organizations targeting kids, students and adults. Dynamic learning feature — Typing Instructor Platinum dynamically changes how lessons are provided based on your performance.

After a lesson has been completed, the typing software detects your weak points and suggests training programs that can help improve these weaknesses. Learning methods — The main teaching method is keystroke memory. Each and every time you press a key you tend to use the same finger so Typing Instructor builds upon this by repeating actions through different exercises, thus reinforcing your memory. Customizable goals — You will be asked to do a basic assessment test when you first start using the tutor.

The typing software will then recommend goals based on your skills. You may also choose to set your own goals during this process. Unique travel themes — This typing program also lets you pick a virtual destination from 36 different destinations.

This adds a fresh look to your interface and serves as an excellent way to keep children interested. Each time you pass a string of exercises and small tests, you are also transported to another corner of the world for you to explore!

You can always upgrade later for additional typing lessons, professional exercises and other custom features. Don't get left behind. Improve your typing and get ahead of the curve. Mac OS X More Typist Software FastFox text expander can help you reduce mistakes and improve typing efficiency. Try Express Scribe transcription software for assistance in audio transcription.

ZenTypist makes you pay attention to accuracy rather than speed. If you make a mistake, you need to delete the fragment and fix it. During typing, the text color changes from gray to black, and errors are highlighted in red. If you have coped with a paragraph without errors, you can continue with the next fragment of text.

The advantage of ZenTypist is that the texts you type are similar to short stories, which brings you even closer to real tasks. Verdict: Typing Trainer is one of the most useful free typing programs for adults as well as for children, which provides you with helpful typing tips.

The service helps adults keep up with technology, and gives children a head start. The developers aimed to create a platform that looks like a game. The interface is well-thought-out. The bright purple and green color scheme works better for children, as adults may be a little skeptical about it.

Besides the tips, the program offers a feature that allows you to review the keys that you find difficult to remember. Moreover, the service offers typing tests to check the speed and accuracy of your typing. Verdict: Thanks to its great features, Stamina is considered to be the best free typing software. Just like Rapid Typing Tutor, the program offers text scrolls, however, they feel much smoother.

Those who used other services with side scrolls will definitely notice the difference. Stamina offers a clear lesson structure with numbers, symbols and phrases. If you are not satisfied with the exercises, you can create your own lessons using the built-in editor. Rapid Typing — Our Choice. Design your own lessons Tracks results Testing and gaming options Different keyboard layouts Dated interface. Multi-user access Enhances typing accuracy Improves typing speed Helps you choose the correct finger placement Without gamification.

Lots of practice Exciting gameplay Intuitive skill-building Seamless interface Online only. Without in-app purchases Great for schoolchildren In-depth statistics Intuitive Lessons go one by one without a skip option. Classy and easy-to-use interface Adapts to your needs Customizable Rewards with points Some exercises are in German. Typing Bolt.

Individual typing pattern Allows you to improve the weakest keys Controls difficulty levels Displays your results Poor connection.


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