Gmail email template save

Then, click the three-dot menu icon in the message's lower-right corner and look for the new "Templates" option. Hover over that, and you should see an option to "Save draft as template. Just be aware that if you haven't already filled in the email's subject line when you add in the template, the template's name will automatically be inserted into that field — so unless that's something you actually want to use as your message's subject, be prepared to change it before hitting send.

And if you ever want to delete or edit existing templates, you'll find commands for doing so within that same area. For editing, you'll need to first insert the template you want to change into the email body, then make whatever modifications you want — and then, once everything's ready, click that three-dot menu icon once more and select "Save draft as template" followed by the template's original name.

If you like the idea of the native Gmail template setup but need a little more oomph, an add-on service called Gmelius might be just the thing for you. Gmelius works via a browser extension available for Chrome as well as Safari, Edge, and even Opera or a mobile app for either Android or iOS. Once you get the appropriate software and get yourself signed up, you'll be able to create and edit templates within the Gmelius dashboard.

The templates are able to dynamically fill in advanced variables, including the recipient's name. They'll even let you specify a sending address, a list of cc or bcc recipients, and a Gmail label to be applied to the message. Gmelius's templates support variables, auto-filled recipient fields, and lots of other advanced options the native Gmail templates don't offer.

Click image to enlarge it. All of your templates will be available directly within the Gmail website's standard compose tool, via a special new Gmelius-added icon and they'll be available within the standalone Gmelius apps on the phone front as well.

You can organize them into categories for easy discovery, and you can share templates across an entire team, too. Maybe fancy-looking newsletters, invites, and event announcements are what you're after. BEE Templates adds an icon into the regular Gmail compose tool, on the desktop, with which you can find tons of slick, ready-to-go templates for everything from product promotions to news announcements.

Just find the template that's right for your need, select it, and boom: It'll be in your message and ready for you to edit and refine. BEE Templates is free at its base level. Wish you could accomplish this same basic stuff without all the clicks? I hear ya. I'm a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts myself, and I'd take a quick keyboard command over a series of mouse actions any day.

The secret to setting yourself up with that power is a super-handy service called Text Blaze. I've written about it before, because it has the potential to save you time all throughout your web browsing environment , but it can be incredibly handy for the specific purpose of Gmail templates, too and that's actually how I use it most often. Text Blaze works exclusively with Chrome, so you'll need to be using that in order to take advantage of it.

Once you've installed the official extension and followed the steps to sign up for the service, you can head over to your Text Blaze dashboard to start configuring your templates. Just click the circular blue plus icon in the dashboard's upper-right corner to create a new item.

You'll need to give it a label — a basic description of what it's all about, for your own future reference — and then give it a shortcut, which is the actual key sequence you'll type to trigger it. Be sure to think of something that's easy to remember and yet unlikely to be entered in any other context, when you aren't trying to pull up your template. I start all of my shortcuts with a slash to help with this.

You could also use an asterisk, a tilde, or any other character that'll be easy for you to hit when needed but unlikely to come up in your regular typing. Text Blaze isn't only for email templates, but it works quite well for that purpose. Text Blaze can do some pretty interesting advanced stuff, too, such as inserting dynamic variables — the current date, the current time, and so on.

And whatever templates you create can be used in more or less any text field within your browser, so you could just as easily employ them in something like Google Docs, should the urge ever strike. Text Blaze is free for individual use, with a limit of 2, characters per saved template. Contributing Editor JR Raphael serves up tasty morsels about the human side of technology. Hungry for more? Join him on Twitter or sign up for his weekly newsletter to get fresh tips and insight in your inbox every Friday.

Here are the latest Insider stories. More Insider Sign Out. Sign In Register. How to set up and use email templates in Gmail. Linkedin Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. Create an email template: Click on the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen. This will take you back to your inbox.

Now, start drafting your template. Type in a name for your template in the window that pops up. That name will appear as the subject line in your email.

If you want to make changes to a template, you have to overwrite it. You can delete templates using the template options in the compose view. Select the three dots in the bottom right-hand corner. That template will now appear as your new message and you can edit it before sending. Send templates automatically You can set up filters that automatically send out a specific template as a reply when certain emails come in.

Fill in the fields. You can choose which template is automatically sent out. The Verge Guide to Gmail. Sign up for the newsletter Verge Deals Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week.

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