Games for 4 year old birthday party

Give two bean bags to two children that are opposite each other in the circle. Name the first bean bag the "Hen" and the second the "Fox". Children pass the bean bags around the circle to see if the fox can catch the hen.

Hokey Pokey Children love this simple game and it is fun to play at a birthday party. Have children stand in a circle. The leader begins the song and have everyone join in. Leader puts their right arm in the circle and sings "You put your right arm in While singing the song put your right arm in the circle, take your right arm out, put your right arm in and then shake it up and then down, then have your index fingers point to the sky while turning in a circle, clap the last line of the song That's what it's all about!

Limbo Game Have 2 older kids or adults hold the Limbo pole use a broomstick, feather boa or rope about 3 feet from the ground. Line up the kids and play some fast paced music. One at a time the kids will try and go under the Limbo stick without touching it. If they touch it then they can be out for that round or for younger kids let them stay in an keep playing. After everyone goes under the Limbo stick lower it a few inches.

Mystery Fish Game Kids get prizes from mystery fish! A fun game that keeps the kids wondering who is in the water giving out the prizes! You will need lots of small prizes to give away because kids like to play this game over and over. Make a fishing pole from a stick or bamboo pole by tying string to one end and a clothespin to the other end.

The water needs to be big enough for the "fish" not to be seen - an appliance or large cardboard box will work Kids will throw their line over into the water and the "fish" attach a prize to their line. Parade Kids turning 2, 3 and 4 love parades. Make your own birthday party parade by giving children musical instruments - drums, shakers, horns, etc.

Or have the children follow you with streamers or ribbons and have a dance parade. If the children all have doll strollers or wagons let them parade with their dolls and stuffed animals. Pin the tail on the Donkey Games This game can be easily changed to fit your party theme. Make it original and special by using a character or object from the birthday theme such as pinning a nose on a clown, a tutu on a ballerina, etc.

Place a drawing or large poster of the donkey or a character on the wall. Make objects such as clown noses or tiaras that the kids will try and stick onto the poster. Make a large outline on the poster of where the target is so you will know who got the closest to the target.

Line up the kids and one by one blindfold them and give them their object with tape on the back. Tell them to try and get their object as close as possible to where they think the target is on the poster. The player who tapes their object the closest to the target wins! Prize Walk Birthday Game A fun party game and also a fun way for the kids to learn their numbers.

The only real rule with birthday party games, though, is that they should be fun! This game is similar to a cake walk a popular carnival game , but instead of winning a cake, kids win prizes.

Write numbers from on squares and tape them to the ground in a circle. Make small numbered squares to correspond with the numbers on the ground and keep them in a basket. Start the game by having each child stand on a number and begin walking around the circle when the music starts.

When the music stops they have to stand on a number. If their number is chosen from the basket, they win a prize. This game can continue until everyone wins a prize. This game is fun and will having everyone giggling. Buy a large roll of bubble wrap and lay out a 5-foot piece of it in the yard or in an open space.

Have each child cross the bubble wrap barefoot. The object is to get all the way across without popping any of the bubbles. If you want to make it more competitive, line up three sections and have teams race across to the other side. The team who crosses without making a peep or making the least pops wins! This game is best for kids ages 3 and up.

This one is simple enough for the younger guests and delicious enough for everyone else. Tie a rope to something sturdy, such as thick tree branches. Use ribbons to attach each doughnut to the rope so that the doughnut hangs freely and is at a good length for the party guests.

On the count of three, each player must try to eat their entire doughnut without it falling to the ground. The big challenge: No hands allowed! The first person to finish their doughnut without it falling wins. There is really no need for prizes here because the doughnuts will be the yummiest prize of all.

Play some upbeat music and let the kids dance like crazy. When the music is paused, each child must freeze like a statue. This one is lots of fun for younger kids but tougher for those under 4 years old. Anyone younger than 4 can be encouraged to dance along in a separate area just for fun.

Make sure to give out small prizes, like stickers, as players are eliminated so that everyone walks away happy. This is one for your youngest guests and is perfect for toddlers and young preschool-aged kids.

An adult will blow bubbles or you could opt for a faster bubble machine and the players race around to pop as many bubbles as they can. Hand out small prizes at the end to all your little bubble players. Kids will stay happily occupied with this obstacle course bike race, which includes a bike decorating contest and award ceremony.

Have some extras on hand for those who forget. This game can also be made into a relay race. The race can take place in a park, vacant lot, cul-de-sac or driveway. Have kids decorate bikes with streamers, pennants and noisemakers made from playing cards placed between the spokes.

You can find traffic cones at any major home improvement store and plastic skateboard ramps at local supercenters. You can also have a water spray at the end of the race course during summertime parties. At the end of the race, hand out prizes like plastic trophies, water bottles and bike accessories, such as spokesters, horns and pennants.

Riggs says this is one of her favorite games. Write challenges on paper and insert them into balloons before inflating. Have enough balloons to continue the game for as long as you decide. Challenges can be anything from trivia questions to physical tests, like trying to lick your elbow or sing a song with a mouthful of crackers.

This banner will pull the whole thing together. They might play volleyball with a beachball and a strip of crepe paper for a low net, or soccer with a small field and cones set up as goals. You can also fall back on old birthday party classics, like hot potato, musical chairs and freeze dance, or set up carnival-style games like tossing sports balls into strategically placed buckets or through the rungs of a latter for a set number of points.

These sports themed lanterns are perfect for hanging over the back yard as kids toss footballs back and forth. Decorate with those plastic dinosaurs you have laying around for once your kid can leave them out! These dino footprints are a great way to direct guests around to the backyard or party room. Rebrand an Easter egg hunt as a Dino egg hunt.

Challenge the kids to do as the paleontologists do and dig for fossils in a sandbox or container full or uncooked rice. Let the kids play dress up with lei necklaces, headbands, and wristbands , and teach them a traditional hula dance with this kid-friendly tutorial.

Any area can be transformed into a photo booth with these props , and luau-themed temporary tattoos provide an easy activity. Does your child get a kick out of pointing out planes in the sky or watching the cars pass? Invite everyone to come in their favorite dress-up, and have them decorate royal accessories like tiaras, swords, or wands. Sign up for the Fatherly newsletter to get original articles and expert advice about parenting, fitness, gear, and more in your inbox every day.

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