Free download portal flash

If you're really looking for a challenge, you can find exceptionally tricky puzzles in the standalone cooperative mode. You'll need a skilled partner though, as these puzzles require both quick-thinking and fast reflexes. Each set of cooperative puzzles focus on a different mechanic, but with access to double the portals, things are generally more complicated than in solo play.

Portal 2 is a worthy successor to the classic Portal, which is an impressive feat. The sequel not only gives gamers more unique puzzle-solving gameplay, but it also expands the universe in some fun ways. It's also absolutely hilarious, with characters and cutscenes guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Portal 2 also manages to improve upon the original with some fun new mechanics and a fleshed-out cooperative campaign, so the experience never feels retreaded or stale.

Even if you don't consider yourself an expert at first-person games, you should try out Portal 2 if you're a fan of puzzle games. It's a truly unforgettable experience that's satisfying, hilarious, and tons of fun to play. Browse games Game Portals. Portal 2. Install Game. Click the "Install Game" button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher.

Main menu with a portal gun in the background! Click new game to start playing! Portal: The Flash Version — Tutorial? The first few levels contain some tutorial text at the top, teaching you how to play. Portal: The Flash Version — Story? Some sort of story may be up there along those short lines of text as well. Portal: The Flash Version — Portals!

Left click to open portals while the Q and E key to open blue or yellow portals. Portal: The Flash Version — Dark? Portals cannot be opened on darker platforms and you must work around them.

Portal: The Flash Version — Hard? The first real challenge in the game. Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games! Hide the progress bar forever? Yes No. Your game will start after this message close.

Report Cinematic Bug Install or enable Adobe Flash Player. Alternatively, we also recommend the SuperNova! Plugin for Chrome as an easy way to enable Flash content in the browser.

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