Dos command to run c program

I have made changes. But obviously you understand, which is good : — Nick X Tsui. ChrisHaas: It worked. Can you please write your comments as a formal answer down here. You deserve the credits. Thank you. Show 1 more comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.

Usually, dos commands and parameters are not case-specific. Add a comment. Like this: System. ProcessStartInfo "your command", "parameters" ; Here is an example that shows you how to do it: System. ProcessStartInfo "tree. Process ; p. Start ; p. Arin Ghazarian Arin Ghazarian 4, 3 3 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges.

TXT B. TXT" — Roland. Start ;. Why is this important? Every file you access, create, or alter in the DOS environment will remain in that folder. Press 0 to exit that program and get to the old-fashioned DOS prompt. I found the vDos window uncomfortably big.

You can press Win-F11 to shrink it. If you shrink it too much, press Win-F12 to enlarge it. Then I suggest that you read the Getting Started. And the games, oh yes, the games! Command Prompt is one of the command-line interface programs used to execute commands in Windows operating systems.

Some popular Command Prompt commands you might have heard of include ping, netstat, tracert, shutdown, and attrib, but there are many more. We have a complete list here. While Command Prompt probably isn't a tool most of you will use on a regular basis, it can really come in handy now and then, maybe to troubleshoot a specific Windows problem or to automate some kind of task.

How you open Command Prompt differs between Windows versions, so you'll find steps below for Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 8. In more recent versions of Windows 10, Command Prompt has been replaced by PowerShell, but you can still access it from the Power User Menu by editing the taskbar settings. Swipe up to show the Apps screen. You can accomplish the same thing with a mouse by clicking on the down arrow icon at the bottom of the screen. Prior to the Windows 8. If you're using a keyboard or mouse, a really quick way to open a Command Prompt window in Windows 8 is through the Power User Menu—just hold the WIN and X keys down together, or right-click the Start button , and choose Command Prompt.

Swipe or scroll to the right on the Apps screen to locate the Windows System section heading. You can now execute whatever command you needed to run. See our List of Windows 8 Command Prompt Commands for a complete list of the commands available through Command Prompt in Windows 8, including short descriptions and links to more in-depth information if we have it. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, it's a bit faster to enter command in the search box at the bottom of the Start Menu and then click Command Prompt when it appears in the results.

Use Command Prompt to execute commands. This program is located in the Start Menu, and can be opened with the command run command. Some commands, like the sfc command that's used to repair Windows files, require that Command Prompt be opened as an administrator before they can be executed.

You'll know if this is the case if you get a 'check that you have administrative rights' , '


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