A virtual machine app creates a virtualized environment—called, simply enough, a virtual machine—that behaves like a separate computer system, complete with virtual hardware devices. The VM runs as a process in a window on your current operating system. It will install and run just as it would on a real, physical machine.
Whenever you want to use the operating system, you can open the virtual machine program and use it in a window on your current desktop. In the VM world, the operating system actually running on your computer is called the host and any operating systems running inside VMs are called guests. It helps keep things from getting too confusing.
In a particular VM, the guest OS is stored on a virtual hard drive—a big, multi-gigabyte file stored on your real hard drive. The VM app presents this file the guest OS as a real hard drive. The limit to how many VMs you can have are really just limited by the amount of hard drive space.
Aside from being good geeky fun to play around with, VMs offer a number of serious uses. They allow you to experiment with another OS without having to install it on your physical hardware. For example, they are a great way to mess around with Linux—or a new Linux distribution—and see if it feels right for you. For example, as a Linux or Mac user, you could install Windows in a VM to run Windows apps you might not otherwise have access to. Sandboxing also allows you to run insecure OSes more safely.
If you still need Windows XP for older apps, you could run it in a VM where at least the harm of running an old, unsupported OS is mitigated.
There are many more VM options, of course. Linux includes KVM, an integrated virtualization solution. Based on the OS you plan to install, the wizard will preselect some default settings for you, but you can change them over the screens that follow.
If you want something other than the default, select it here. The wizard will also create the virtual hard disk file to be used by the VM. Unless you already have a virtual hard disk file you want to use, just select the option to create a new one. We recommend creating fixed size disks because, while they eat up a little more disk space, they also perform better—making your VM feel a bit more responsive.
Use Google Fonts in Word. Use FaceTime on Android Signal vs. Customize the Taskbar in Windows What Is svchost. This process ensures that the VM is patched with the latest available security and critical patches on a monthly basis.
To ensure consistency in the set of patches installed, you can configure your VMs to assess and download patches from your own private repositories. Only VMs created from certain OS platform images are currently supported. Custom images are currently not supported. Automatic VM guest patching, on-demand patch assessment and on-demand patch installation are supported only on VMs created from images with the exact combination of publisher, offer and sku from the supported OS images list.
Custom images or any other publisher, offer, sku combinations are not supported. For Windows VMs, the property osProfile. This impacts certain patch mode transitions. Automatic VM guest patching can be enabled on any Windows or Linux VM that is created from a supported platform image. This property can only be set when creating the VM. This additional property is not applicable for Linux VMs. Use az vm create to enable automatic VM guest patching when creating a new VM.
To modify an existing VM, use az vm update. It can take more than three hours to enable automatic VM guest updates on a VM, as the enablement is completed during the VM's off-peak hours. As assessment and patch installation occur only during off-peak hours, your VM must be also be running during off-peak hours to apply patches.
This extension does not need to be manually installed or updated, as this extension is managed by the Azure platform as part of the automatic VM guest patching process. The extension is also installed and updated during off-peak hours for the VM. If the VM's off-peak hours end before enablement can be completed, the enablement process will resume during the next available off-peak time. Automatic updates are disabled in most scenarios, and patch installation is done through the extension going forward.
The following conditions apply. To verify whether automatic VM guest patching has completed and the patching extension is installed on the VM, you can review the VM's instance view. If the enablement process is complete, the extension will be installed and the assessment results for the VM will be available under patchStatus. The VM's instance view can be accessed through multiple ways as described below.
PowerShell currently only provides information on the patch extension. Information about patchStatus will also be available soon through PowerShell. Use az vm get-instance-view to access the instance view for your VM. The patchStatus section of the instance view response provides details on the latest assessment and the last patch installation for your VM.
The assessment results for your VM can be reviewed under the availablePatchSummary section. An assessment is periodically conducted for a VM that has automatic VM guest patching enabled. The count of available patches after an assessment is provided under criticalAndSecurityPatchCount and otherPatchCount results. Automatic VM guest patching will install all patches assessed under the Critical and Security patch classifications.
One piece of software was looking at the names of the disk controllers and searching for anything that resembles a virtual disk controller. The program was only performing this check during install. It's safe to say that any program using a check this simple will probably do it only once during initial installation. However, never underestimate the evil of a human being. Locate the value that shows the Virtual Disk Controller Name and double click on it to open.
Copy and paste the full name somewhere like notepad on the guest OS. Then edit the the value to remove the words Vmware and Virtual. Save and run the program's setup. The setup should now continue as if it where executing on a physical computer. When it's complete, go ahead and restore the registry value back to it's original name otherwise Windows won't boot properly.
Test and see if your program still runs, if it does then you are done. If the program does not run then it's probably too smart for this trick. If that is the case, then you'll have to permanently rename the hardware.