Replace the original RSSS. DLL file with the one from the File Archive. Play the Game! DLL v2. Extract the RS. DLL file with the renamed file. It has been taken from Company of Heroes fix done by FairLight and seems to be working! Play the Game! EXE file with the one from the File Archive. Apply the official Warhammer Dawn of War v1. DLL files with the ones from the File Archive. Game or Patch Questions?
Visit FileForums. Magazines Banners. Shindur View Profile View Posts. Next time you open SoulStorm look in the upper left hand corner. If it says that the version is 1. Like Carurcyn said, Steam automatically makes it the latest version. To check if you have Steam set to do this, right click on SS in your games library and hit properties.
Click on the updates tab and make sure in the drop down box you have selected "Always keep this game up to date".
That should fix your problem, if not try verifying the files of the game, and if all else fails try re-installing. Hope I helped! Ulfraud View Profile View Posts. I have the same problem. I followed your instructions, but the game is still writes 1. When you start the game and in the top left corner, does it say DOW Engine 1. Is with steam verison i have reinstall with cd and the patches works fine, but with steam version i cant patch. It is so written, but I checked: changes in the 1.
Just in the main menu is not reported. If it says what Carurcyn says in the top left corner in the main menu screen, then it is patched to 1.