With its modern emphasis on the molecular view of physical chemistry, its wealth of contemporary applications in the new "Impact on" features , vivid full-color presentation, and dynamic new media to… More. Shelve Physical Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry by D.
The bestselling textbook inorganic chemistry text on the market covers both theoretical and descriptive aspects of the subject, and emphasizes experimental methods, industrial applications, and modern… More. Shelve Inorganic Chemistry. Features: Over new recipes -- 1, in all-reflect current eating habits and lifestyles; new photographs -- over in all-including 60 percent more of finished food than the last edition; Do… More.
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How can we approach financial issues with honesty and… More. Somewhere in the world there may be someone who "better" for you or for me. This not the point. The point is that I have choosen to give you my gift of love and you have chosen to love me. That is the… More. Most startups fail. But many of those failures are preventable. The Lean Startup is a new approach being adopted across the globe, changing the way companies are built and new products are launched.
E… More. Calculus by Ron Larson. Harold Kroto, a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. The publisher's philosophy, however, 'to provide broad coverage of data commonly encountered by physical scientists and engineers,' remains unchanged.
John Yates formerly at University College London, UK in Chemical Engineering Research and Design, May This famous handbook continues to provide current, critically evaluated chemical and physical data in a one-volume format.
A goldmine of information Convert currency. Couldn't put it down. A fascinating read.. My arms hurt. Reviewing a reference book seems slightly silly, but whatever.
The Venerable CRC continues to earn its reputation, at least up to this point. To be honest, with the Internet at my fingertips, I haven't opened this book in more than a decade.
I'll prolly donate it it to someone who will get the book to the third world, where it can be useful again. If you value paper books, and need a reference like this, it's the one to get. This is my favorite book. I'm not kidding. I'll go to look up the molecular weight of theophylline and find myself looking at ionization energies two hours later.
Or crystal packing in minerals, or phase diagrams, or mineral content of various foods. There are a lot of possibilities for distracting me from my original purpose. Mine is the 89th edition. This reference book is indispensable for any practicing chemist, or chemistry student. Many schools and companies have access to the online version, but it's still handy to have a copy on your desk, or in your lab. Get any edition you like, the data doesn't change much from year to year.
Shelves: technical. Are you a science geek? This must be in your collection. A massive repository for chemical structures and physics. Great for cuddling up with a cup of cocoa and warm fire. Mar 05, Karlitos added it.
Apr 17, R to the -izzo rated it really liked it. Plenty of info in here for everyone. If you have already read this don't spoil it for me. Aug 06, Rion Shupe rated it it was amazing. Any physical scientist that applies such knowledge worships this tome. Even a non-practicing science fan with healthy curiosity needs a CRC for appetite whetting reference. Oct 02, Dan Tice rated it it was amazing Shelves: science.
Technology and Culture. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. CRC handbook of chemistry and physics , 98th ed. The 98th Edition contains several new features including, but not limited to - a major update to the table of isotopes, the first major compilation of high quality data of protein-ligand binding thermodynamics, and an important new collection of NMR data critical for understanding outcomes of organic syntheses.
Plus, twelve lists have been updated such as, the physical properties of organic compounds and the latest experimental values of bond dissociation energies.
Building on the new feature first introduced in the 94th edition, four historical figures in science will be honored on the end plates. For over years, the Handbook has provided property data on chemical compounds now over 20, and all physical particles that have been reported in the literature, carefully reviewed by subject experts.
Every year older collections are updated with the latest values and new areas will be added as science progresses. Both volumes represents a unique, wide-ranging, curated, international, annotated bibliography, and directory of major resources in toxicology and allied fields such as environmental and occupational health, chemical safety, and risk assessment. This edition keeps pace with the digital world in directing and linking readers to relevant websites and other online tools.
Due to the increasing size of the hardcopy publication, the current edition has been divided into two volumes to make it easier to handle and consult. Volume 1: Background, Resources, and Tools, arranged in 5 parts, begins with chapters on the science of toxicology, its history, and informatics framework in Part 1.
Part 2 continues with chapters organized by more specific subject such as cancer, clinical toxicology, genetic toxicology, etc. The categorization of chapters by resource format, for example, journals and newsletters, technical reports, organizations constitutes Part 3.
Among the miscellaneous topics in the concluding Part 5 are laws and regulations, professional education, grants and funding, and patents. Volume 2: The Global Arena offers contributed chapters focusing on the toxicology contributions of over 40 countries, followed by a glossary of toxicological terms and an appendix of popular quotations related to the field. The book, offered in both print and electronic formats, is carefully structured, indexed, and cross-referenced to enable users to easily find answers to their questions or serendipitously locate useful knowledge they were not originally aware they needed.
Introductory chapters provide a backdrop to the science of toxicology, its history, the origin and status of toxicoinformatics, and starting points for identifying resources.
Offers an extensive array of chapters organized by subject, each highlighting resources such as journals, databases,organizations, and review articles.
Includes chapters with an emphasis on format such as government reports, general interest publications, blogs, and audiovisuals.