Craftsman 1/2 hp garage door opener installation manual

Next Page. Summary of Contents for Craftsman Garage Door Opener Page 1 Se deben realizar revisiones Periodic checks of the opener are periodicas del abridor de puertas required to ensure safe operation. A www. Preparing your garage door Adjust the force Tools needed Test the safety reversal system Page 4: Planning Planning Do you have an access door in addition to the garage Identify the type and height of your garage door.

Survey your garage area to see if any of the conditions below door? If not, Model Emergency Key Release is required. Page 6: Carton Inventory Carton Inventory Your garage door opener is packaged in one carton material.

Parts may be stuck in the foam. Hardware for which contains the motor unit and all parts illustrated assembly and installation is shown on the next page. Accessories will depend on the model purchased. Save the carton and packing material until installation If anything is missing, carefully check the packing and adjustment is complete. Page 7: Hardware Inventory Hardware Inventory Separate all hardware and group as shown below for the assembly and installation procedures.

To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the garage door opener until instructed to do so. The front rail has a cut out "window" Follow the instructions which will work best for your particular requirements.

Do not install the header bracket over drywall. Have someone hold the opener securely on a temporary support to allow the rail to clear the spring. Follow instructions which apply to your door type as illustrated. Yours may the garage. Concrete anchors MUST be used if installing any be different.

If you know your Craftsman opener model number, awesome. The long exhaustive way to find the manual is to go through the list till you find the model number of your opener and then download the manual. Alternatively, simply type the model number of your Craftsman garage door opener in the search bar. The table will reload and show only the manual which corresponds with the model number you typed. Something to note is, some of the manuals are made for multiple Craftsman opener models. This means you might find your model number in the same row as several other model numbers.

Manufacturers always recommend you read their manual before you use the product. However, when small problems and issues start to pop up, that is when most people go through the manual to find an easy fix for the problem. So what you should expect to find in a Craftsman opener manual?

Here they are. Just as the word depicts, this section is dedicated to how the garage door opener is installed. By following the step by step process outlined in this section of the manual, you will be able to attach the Craftsman garage door opener to the ceiling and then get it working with your garage door.

Followed by how to mount opener to ceiling, attach the door arms, and installing lights and emergency handles. Extendthelineontotheheaderwallabovethe door.

Youcanfastentheheaderbracketwithin4feet 1. Ifyouneedtoinstalltheheaderbracketona2x4 onwallorceiling ,uselagscrews notprovided tosecurelyfastenthe2x4tostructuralsupportsas shownhereandonpage Openyourdoortothehighestpointoftravelas shown.

Thisheightwillprovidetravelclearanceforthetop edgeofthedoor. NOTE:Ifthetotalnumberofinchesexceedsthe heightavailableinyourgarage,usethemaximum heightpossible,orrefertopage13forceiling installation. Add page 13 to Favourites. Followthe instructionswhichwillworkbestforyourparticular requirements. Makesurethearrow ispointingtowardthewall. Thebracketcanbe mountedflushagainsttheceilingwhenclearance isminimal.

Youmustuselagscrews tomounttheheaderbracket. Add page 14 to Favourites. Usepackingmaterialasa protectivebase. NOTE:Ifthedoorspringisinthe wayyoullneedhelp. Havesomeoneholdthe openersecurelyonatemporarysupporttoallow therailtoclearthespring. Add page 15 to Favourites.

Youwillneed helpatthispointiftheladderisnottallenough. Slidethe outertrolleytowardthemotorunit. Thetrolleycan remaindisconnecteduntilInstallationStep12 iscompleted.

Donotpositiontheopenermore than4 10cm abovethispoint. Header[i thecorrectmountingheight tfromceiling. Add page 16 to Favourites. Yours maybedifferent. Hangingbracketsshouldbeangled Figure1 toproviderigidsupport. Onfinished ceilings Figure2andFigure3 ,attachasturdy metalbrackettostructuralsupportsbeforeinstalling theopener.

Thisbracketandfasteninghardwareare notprovided. Measurethedistancefromeachsideofthemotor unittothestructuralsupport.


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