Any ideas? It works fine now for multiusers. I had this working, then I installed WHS and now it logs me out. Local remote or over internet. When I run the batch file I get an error that says it is for build I have trying to use promt command to instal muti.
When I connect almost inmediately I am rejected because another user appear, my own self. Reservados todos los derechos. My system is win 7 home premium. Hello I have this exact same problem. Works great but only for Administrators.
How do I enable remote access for a regular user? Thanks for this. Thakaya I can answer your Q — to allow shutdown by remote not recommended , create a registry file policy like this one. Maybe others have actually done so. Thanks, Mike, for your reply. Yeah, the box for remote printing is checked.
I did see the option to set up Remote Desktop Easy Print which I assume is the TS port equivelance , after trying to install a local port on the host and pointing to Microsoft printer privers, but that came back with an error. Just wanted to say thanks … previous versions on Win7 and Vista worked great, and so does this on SP1. I replaced termsrv. Anyone else having the same problem?
I have Win 7 Ult SP1 x Works like a charm Win7 SP1. I updated to Win 7 64b SP1 and after aplying your patch, remote desktop service wont start at all!
Excellent work. What am I doing wrong? This stopped working when SP1 was applied. Any Suggestions? Got it to work…. Great to see all this camaraderie here. Now can some please ease my mind by answering the simple question I asked multiple times here that has gone unanswered but I am sure would be of interest to others. Anyone else can help here? Thanks for the follow up Mike. Does that fit your situation? Ok, thanks for the clarification.
I tested with my WHS box which does not have the concurrent patch just to confirm printing over RDP was working for me, which it was. Hopefully someone else can test and prove me wrong. Just installed it on my Windows 7 Home Premium Sp1 build — works beautifully. Thanks for writing this app, and making the install process so painless. Your operating system is not supported.
OS Version: 6. Should it be taking this long? Ran the patch more than once deleted the. When I login remotely the local login is always asked to logout. I have to stop it manually before executing the batch file.
Just an FYI. The Security Update for Microsoft. I had it installed and working fine and the remote computer installed this update and I could no longer remote to the machine. I have that security update on my system and this Concurrent Sessions works just fine. Anyone else seen this? I have had Concurrent users running fine on Windows 7 64bit build pre SP1 for a few months but this last week there has been a problem. When trying to connect to remote Win 7 machine from a client it opens a RD screen and brings up a windows server standard edition login box and then does not let you login.
After boot-up of the server, it allows you one log-on. When you try to reconnect, it says that the connection has been reset see attached. Any Idea? Will this work on Windows 7 Professional 32 bit? This would be a lifesaver for me. Thanks for your help.
Please can someone send it to my mail adjosho rocketmail. What happens when you try to download? I recently had my computer fixed because of a virus. Please, someone help me with a download to install the remote function back to my C: drive. I am delighted to have found this forum, but I am having a great deal of difficulty following the event timeline. I note that the forum started a couple of years ago, and the process of providing these neat capabilities has evolved a good bit since then, especially as Microsoft changes the build numbers and introduced SP1.
So I would find it very helpful if someone could summarize and provide the link for the various download packages available and describe what situations they might be used for. On the other one bit it is not selected by Microsoft updates as important, so I have not selected it myself. So I am having problems determining which patch to apply, and whether I will have to make a second application of a patch if I do finally apply SP1 to either OS.
Also, I note that early in the development, Home Premium was not supported, but now it is. I installed the patch on win7x Therefore, I need to run remote desktop concurrently on one session, correct? Therefore, when I now connect to the host, it runs on a separate session.
Anyway, just to say, discovered your page today and applied your script — it worked first time and I can now connect remotely to my Win 7 HP machine. Thanks very much indeed! I tried a similar patch from a different site, and I got a very similar result. Has MS finally defeated all efforts to circumvent holding us hostage to upgrade to Professional?
Or are there some other things that I can try? Mostly works…using Windows 7 Home Premium as host. Under windows server , I am able to start a remote session from the console, and thus be logged in to 2 differents sessions ie: console and rdp. If I am at the console on this local computer and attempt to run Mstsc. Is there anyway that I can force a second remote session to run, without having to logon from a remote computer?
Using Win 7 Professional Build , I tried the patch and could not get the multi user sessions to work different users without logoff did work. Thanks a lot guys, working for me2. I didnt read this entire thread but I did re-create an instruction set that works for me.
Feel free to download it here. I did manage to get this working however I found the instructions some what lacking. It was enough to jumble through it. Is this possible? Once I had turned off my Norton firewall, the script ran fine. I have enabled the concurrent sessions in Windows 7 and it works great. Now, how do I see and manage those incoming sessions? It will also let you switch to a different session and log users off from there. A different scenario!? Can this be gotten to work?
Then the HDMI output is fed to a second monitor a television in sitting room. A wireless keyboard and mouse is used from the sitting room to interact with the PC. Can such a user be managed independently? You can see that the problem is no second machine to manage the interaction with! Could that user in the sitting room watch streamed media or do anything else on the PC whilst the other user seated back at the PC simultaneously carries on with other tasks?
I think it may be a tricky one? Does this have an uninstall type option to return the system to its original state? Or would a System Restore return all files to their original state if needed? If neither is feasible is there a listing of all changes so they could be manually reversed? Trying to install on Virtual Machine, Windows7 64 Home Premium, downloaded all windows updates, but prompt. Great work, But i was wondering about shadowing the console session.
Is there support for that?? Hey, thanks for all the efforts, all your patches used to work like a charm, however a few days ago the silly Windows 7 Professional did an update on the Service Pack 1 and since then, the patch does not work. I apply it, it updates one rule, says everything is honkey-dorey but kicks out the second user… any ideas?! Thanks a bunch! Is this function not available, or is there a setting on the remote computer that I need to adjust?
It only works Pro and above. Thanks for that information — can you tell me where I can find out how to enable it? My Win 7 Home Premium computer is build , without service pack. Thank you so much for putting this out! Worked as expected for me, installed flawlessly for me on:. Thanks everyone! Applied the patch on home 7 premium SP1. Trying to install on Virtual Machine, Windows7 32 Professional, downloaded all windows updates, but prompt.
Can anybody help me enable my remote desktop. Kindly Help.. Installs without a hitch and does what it should. Thanks again, you guys rock! Only for windows 7 build Microsoft Windows Version 6. Home Basic does not appear to be supported. I installed the patch on a new Windows Home Premium install. I can connect to the Administrator account. The Standard user account does not have a password. When I installed the patch I did a install multi blank.
I will be pleased if you can disply detailed command line parameters to enable extra abilities Enable multiple sessions per user. I did follow the steps given by you ….
I put Win7RDP first and then put the files extracted folder name no success. Even I uninstall kis which I thought cause for this but no luck I need exact command lines.
Thanks for what I hope to be a great tool to manage one of my laptops without interrupting the user. You can always do a dir Enter while in the root of C: to see the folders names. I installed the patch v. And I can rdp on the machine with another user logged in at the same time! Instead of getting me back on the users screen, the monitor turns off in the energy saving mode and I have no way of bringing up windows again except hard reset!
The window just disappears…. I am very frustrated by these problems because they happen randomly and I cannot find a pattern or a corelation to something. One time though I happened to be connected with rdp to the machine while a physical user logged off. My session continued to work so the machine didnt actually crashed. It slowed down its response very much though so when I run task manager to see what happened I discovered about 11, processes of csrss. The patch worked fine for my Windows 7 system.
How can I disable multi?? In international versions of Windows Administrators are not Administrators! Here in Germany the Administrators are Administratoren. Because of this fact, the script must be changed to:. Maybe I can ask how to rdp into the console session while running with multiple connections, is that possible??
I unistalled every update performed in November but still I have the same problem: if I try to rdp into the machine and then logoff a physical user, windows crash. If I dont use rdp everything works great though….
I just want to say thank you. Thank you , thank you, thank you. Thank you. Now I can finally use my computer to watch movies on and be remote connected anywhere else at the same time! Awesome fix. Me Too thank you. I have a further question though. I have successfully have two users remotely logged on to the Windows 7 Pro SP1 computer; however we both would like to run the same application at the same time.
Is this at all possible in Windows 7 Pro SP1? I was so bummed to learn tonight that my brand new workstation with Windows 7 Home Premium did not include support for hosting RDC. I was so pleased to find this and had this running in no time. Thanks very much to you and the community! Can someone help? Thx RP. I did the multi command…how do I undo it?!?!?
I am messing my system up bigtime by logging in as the same user twice and doing stuff. Actually how do I totally undo this whole thing? I went to seperate server and htpcs and never need to get into my server except from 1 RDP which is easy enough.
Connect anyway? No error message or so. On the host, nothing happens. I tried both, logged on and logged of at the host. I just ran the Install. The build I have is Windows 7 Ultimate edition, build: 6. Are there any solutions for this? I have recently built a new Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 machine.
I was originally able to loging concurrent sessions, then a nominal windows update and restart caused me to get the following message after is seems to connect.
Your Remote Desktop session has ended. The connection to the remote computer was lost, possibly due to network connectivity problems.
Try connecting to the remote computer again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support. The error is as follows from the log. Description: Faulting application name: svchost. I am at witts end, and have tried evertything i can think of. Do any of you have any suggestions? Any help is much appreciated. Did you manage to resolve this I have got the same issue. I believe it worked when I originally installed the system but left it doing updates over night to find that this has now stopped working.
If there is only a chance this can happen I will be happy to reload and see what happens. V4 of the patch on missingremote does apply cleanly, but still no concurrent rdp sessions. It is a downer.
I thought my mouse movements would be visible on the other machine, seeing as how I am logged in as the same user. Yet I have the same user name. Great tool. Have a question though. If i use standard user it tells me in summary to grant the account access to the RDP users group… cannot find that setting on home pre win 7. In Windows 7 Home Premium which is what the poster was asking about, and what I have as well , that utility does not have a plugin for local users and groups.
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabl o enabled devices associated with it. I have changed my RDP listening port in the registry so I can access multiple machines through the same router.
Did this break something since I was not on default port? Any way to enable the concurrent users on a non standard port?
Have a couple of a questions. Where can I get it? Weird thing is that i had my 2 boys using the first admin account that was created during install and I created my own later and it is in the admin group etc. Logged in as them and it at least ran, had lingering issues but ran some commands individually out of script etc. On 1 I turned off RDP and then back on etc. Also…seems like people underestimate the coolness of starting taskmanager as admin and using user tab and right clicking user and then hit remote control.
This gives you local and remote access to the screen, keyboard, and mouse at the same time! Great for support. And thank you for this tid bit too!
This was working fine for months. At the win 7 login screen I get a warning that the other user will be logged off. Possibly when kb, SP1 was installed. I have Win 7 Home edition build I have tried turning off MCAfee firewall and re-running install as administrator but get message no rules match the specified criteria at that section of install.
Can anyone help? I can confirm this works on a fully updated Windows Thin PC installation after removing the version check in install. Windows firewall says McAfee is managing the firewall rules and I see the inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked. I looked a long time for this solution and it works just great on my home premium…. I run install. Just chiming in this worked Just chiming in this worked perfectly on my Win 7 Pro installation.
I was looking for a way to share-out my PdaNet connection with my wife, and this was the absolute only thing I could get to work; and works like a charm.
Thanx so much for this. There are so many smart people in the world, and the Internet is such a great enabler to be able to reach them. Suggestions would be appreciated. Any help with this matter will be gratefully appreciated. I currently have one staff member who connects to a dedicated pc in the office from home. The BT router uses port forwarding on the remote desktop port to a the PC creating the remote desktop session.
This works fine. I now have two other staff members and possibly more to follow who need to connect, to use the same software. Thanks for this patch that Thanks for this patch that makes our lives easier. I did use the older patch. Curious problem, though. Is that something anyone else has seen?
Only issue? Same as you. I just told my clients to knock it off. This patch made me look like I know something. This solution worked for me however I am still trying to resolve one issue. Is there a hack available to support multiple monitors when the remote machine is Windows 7 Professional?
Apparently Microsoft only enabled multiple monitors when the remote machine is Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate. The client can of course be any version that has the multimon client installed.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks M ike it works perfectly. Did you get it working with 2 Did you get it working with 2 concurrent connections, using same user??? When attempting to connect with an administrative-enabled user, everything is fine. Hi, after applying the remote desktop service is not starting and its not listening to the the port Could you please advice.
Many Thanks in advance. The Remote Desktop Services service could not be started. Pausing 5 seconds to give service time to start listening Checking if Service is listening on port Service is not listening Done Press any key to continue. Can someone please tell me how you get this to work with 2 concurrent sessions, using the same user, so the 2 nd Remote user can login and see the same screen that the current terminal user is seeing??
When I check to see if the service is running, it is at least according to the service browser. Maybe i could try and do that for my Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. Currently i have. Great post. Exactly what I was looking for. I had a question though. I installed the multiple sessions per user feature but now I want to make it one session per user or at least know how to get into one of the already connected sessions. Once downloaded, extract the files into a directory for the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that the files have been extracted to the folder C:Win7RDP.
I have done this for two previous Windows 7 computers, so i am not sure whats happening now. The latest version worked great for me a few days ago.
Thanks for the script; works great. Big thanks to you guys for making this work. Shame on Microsoft for not putting this into the windows 7 home pro release. It still does not work for me. Could really use some pointers on removing multi. It throws my Media Center to the login screen even though I have it set to log in without pw. Also, multi does not let you control the session already in progress. My bad for installing too much too soon and not creating a restore point. If you re-run the install script but with no options it seems to remove the multi and blank options without needing to copy the binary.
So just rerun the install script. Hope that helps. I could see in the log that termservice is stopping and starting good, and termsrv. Anyone knows why can be? Just want to say the I was impressed by what was accomplished in the CMD file included in this fix. Just wanted to say thanks for this. It works perfectly, but I am having one problem. Since I have done this I find that my PC shuts down on its own. Usually over night or when left for a while like when I am at work.
Any one else run into this, or have any solutions? It actually gets to the blue welcome screen after I enter my credentials but then it just fails.
Event viewer on the host machine where I applied this patch has some errors for rdpcorekmts. Ok my issue has been resolved by installing Windows update KB which updated the rdpcorekmts. Anyone seen these symptoms? My question is about it that can audio transfer can be set up in any way in w7 home premium as there is no GUI in this windows to do that, maybe some script or other trick to do this.
I created a quick uninstall patch for W7 Pro and up by modifying the install patch. It just copies the backup termsrv back to its original location.
If anyone wants to change it to work with Home premium go ahead. Using Win7 Home Premium. Applied patch and it reports success. However, still cannot connect remotely. My HP Mediasmart server reports tha my remote website is not available from the internet.
Have check to see if firewall is blocking remote access but it does seem to be. I have my Windows 7 Pro SP1 listening to port 22 insteat of Is this a problem for running the script? Is the script altering it back to by itself? Or do I have to change it to again before running the script? Can I put it back to port 22 after running the script? This because my office has blocked port Are there any plans to support Windows 8 RTM? If i try to install on Win8, a error message appears.
It is an up2date version of Windows 7 Home Premium. However, it still does not install changing this — I found Windows is build Number — but no updates are pending???
What might be the problem? Allows domain logins, too! Great patch — Thank you! Cheers everyone and thanks for the file. But I ran across an interesting bug. I have a desktop running Win 7 64 Pro with two accounts which are sometimes used simultaneously, one at the console and one remotely on the LAN.
For a long time I would notice that the shared printers would appear to other computers on the LAN, for example a laptop, to be offline. Restarting the print spooler on the laptop would fix it temporarily. I thought it was a problem with the laptop until I noticed the same problem on another computer on the LAN.
The clincher was that the problem immediately went away when the second user on the desktop logged out. Does this make any sense to anyone? Is there a workaround that involves sharing the printers in a different way? Thank you all! Note: The instructions indicated as multiaccess allow the same user or account access without password. I have used the option: install multi. There may be other updates affecting the remote desktop, look for them and try to do the same.
On the client side I have enabled all the local resources, but nothing shows up when connected. If I try client with same setting on a Windows 7 professional I get the drives and printer ports showing as available. To install the. Thank you for the fix. Do you have source code or a patch file available, so we can continue your good work?
In my case, when a user logs in successfully, the Remote Desktop service shuts down I checked this in Services. I have installed the patch. If I add a new user, it works for this new user.
I used install multi, so it should work. Any idea what could be wrong. It is a dutch version of Window Home Premium 64 bits sp1. It seems after recent patches this is not working. Running Win 7 Ultimate, build, but everytime I connect from remote it immediately disconnects the session and ends the remote desktop services service.
Tried multiple login and it works fine. This solved the problem for me, thanks EddoAloha. One session for the person at the PC, the other session running a program on boot for the remote user. Need help enabling blank pasword. I dont want to have another account enabled to be able to remote connect.
The install goes smooth and I get the loginscreen when I try to connect, but when I have written the password and confirmed I get a message saying that the connection was lost. In the event viewer I get the following errors, in this order but with the same timestamp: The Cryptographic Services service terminated unexpectedly The DNS Client service terminated unexpectedly The Workstation service terminated unexpectedly The Network Location Awareness service terminated unexpectedly The Remote Desktop Services service terminated unexpectedly.
I have tried to boot in safe mode to restore the termsrv. It worked properly after manually replacing the file in safe mode. Guess the copying done by the install file failed for some reason…. Gents, when i run install script it gives me and error that my OS is not supported but im running exactly same version as is needed.. The reason I ask is because I installed this patch on my PC.
Then I tried to use a second computer to connect to it. However, when the connection goes through, nothing happens. Is this patch supposed to make those options available? Was anyone able to host remote desktop on Home Premium? What instructions do you need? Just download the files and run as Admin.
CMD as per above comments:. You definitely know what you were talking about and seem to have a very high interest on the topic. I like visiting your blog and honestly I love the information you provide here, Your intelligence on the post could be giving us new knowledge..
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Penny auctions on this site. We hope you have enjoyed this guide from MissingRemote. If you have any questions, comments, concerns feel free to post in our forums link below. Facebook Twitter Email. When I download this file When I download this file windows tells me it is invalid, and empty.
Same for me. You can download the files You can download the files from here. Says Windows closed connection. Elmstrom December 26, pm. Bootlebarth January 11, pm. I had been trying to get the I had been trying to get the Vista Home Premium hacks but the links seem to be dead or high jacked.
Will I be able to login as Will I be able to login as a different user than the one logged in directly on to a Windows 7 system remotely using UltraVNC? To see some of these settings, navigate to "Edit Group Policy" in the start menu. Note: The above instructions were working as of March , using the most recent builds of Windows 7 Pro, Ultimate, and Enterprise editions.
The patcher was tested with 64 bit versions of Ultimate and Enterprise, however it should work with 32 bit. I am not the creator of the patcher file. You can find that creator within the file itself.