Comment out in dos batch file

All the content after REM must be ignored so, the command must be followed by a space or tab character, then follows our comment. Example Here is an example for a single line comment. The below lines are multiple line comments. Now that you are familiar with the syntax, let us try it in practice. We will write a small program to test the comments. As I said above the first line is the comment and the next line prints Hello, World!!!.

The problem with the comments is that though they are ignored by the interpreter, still echoed back to command prompt. When we run the program, we get the output as follows. Hello, World!!! So, we will try placing the echo off on the first line of program and revise the program. See the output below. Output Hello, World!!! Press any key to continue. There are some situations where you need to keep echo command in on state. During such cases, the comments are also echoed back on the screen.

So, we will try to solve it by revising the program. The 3 code blocks are followed by a fourth "stand-alone" ECHO command. The 3 code blocks are supposed to behave more or less identically, at least in older versions like Windows NT 4 and The code block for comment2 only displays an empty line.

The code block for comment3 is never reached It would seem the code block for comment2 aborts the batch file without warning. Remove that code block, and the rest will be executed as expected. A possible pitfall, pointed out by Joost Kop, is a REM to comment out a line that uses redirection, as in:. In CMD. I borrowed this technique from "Outsider", one of the alt. Rexx, for example, will treat the whole text marked red as comment:.

In order to remember or understand commands and functions written to the batch script we generally use comments or comment block. In this tutorial, we will look at how to create comments. We will start by showing a single line comment.

The comment line will start with rem keyword and we have to put a single space to start the comment part. In this example, we will write comment This is comment. As we know comments are not executed or interpreted like other commands. Less than or equals to. Logical Operators.

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